Aquaman has not been properly represented on film as of yet. DCEU has given the hero a cameo in this year’s Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice and he will be featured as a member of Zack Snyder’s Justice League next year. The hero would get a much-needed exposure by then before he gets his own solo film. The trailer for Justice League had shown Arthur Curry/Aquaman as a heavy drinking isolated character who kept to himself, but it seems like that is all a lie, according to Aquaman director Jason Wan anyway.
The director had previously talked about the solo Aquaman movie being reminiscent of a “swashbuckling action-adventure.” It seems like there will be another layer to the solo movie that may make it more extraordinary than other DCEU films. In his recent interview with Bustle, Wan said he wanted the movie to be more fun. “I really want to get the classic action-adventure-romance aspect through that, and I think that’s kind of fun.”
Fun seems to be the keyword that has been thrown around in every upcoming DCEU film. After the criticism of taking itself too seriously in the first two films received, the studio made a conscious decision to lighten up to lighten up a bit in its next release ”Suicide Squad.” The audience response to the film seems to be an encouraging sign for the studio, as filmmakers like Wan are given more freedom to make the film as best as they can.
Wan also talked at length about Aquaman and his relationship with Mera [played by Amber Heard]:
“It starts off initially with them not quite clicking with each other. But then as the story progresses as they learn to try and work together, they get closer and closer. I think those stories are always such a great place for a filmmaker like myself to have fun with my actors. I think that dynamic will be really interesting between the two. Amber’s character is super strong, she’s very powerful as well. You don’t wanna mess with her. I think Amber will bring that sense of strength, but at the same time, we also want someone who has a sort of feminine quality to her as well. She’s a bit of a contrast to Momoa, who’s more of a muscular machine almost.”