Truth Behind Sylvester Stallone’s Death-Hoax Revealed
Sylvester Stallone is the latest victim of a vile online hoax, which claimed him to be dead. Last week, The Expendables actor faced a death hoax. A spam article by CNN went viral on Facebook with fans clicking and then sharing on their pages. The fraudulent message circulated on the social media claiming he was found dead at his Los Angeles apartment. However, he dismissed any such report and confirmed he is alive.
The headline of the death-hoax read. “[CNN BREAKING NEWS]: The Famous Actor Sylvester Stallone Found Dead… As It Emerges ‘Prescription Pills Were Found At Scene’”.
According to Snopes, the death-hoax message posted on the Facebook was from a click-bait site, which asks people for their personal information before redirecting to it. Well, Stallone is not the only one targeted by the site. Other celebrity victims include Vin Diesel, Nicolas Cage, Jaden Smith, Jim Carrey, Angelina Jolie and John Cena.
Fans were shocked to hear the fake news and then flooded the Twitter asking if he was alive or not.
“OMG… I just read that #SylvesterStallone died! Is that true??” said a user named Susan Danzig on September 3, 2016.
“Someone confirm or deny if Sylvester Stallone is dead. I refuse to believe what I saw,” said kenny (@KenLavertue) September 3, 2016.
“Sylvester Stallone is not dead it is a Hoax. Kenneth talked to him yesterday and he is very much alive and well,’’ said Carmela Chiaramonte (@MsHollywoodWOA) September 3, 2016
“Just saw a report that Sylvester Stallone was dead. Freaked out, then found out it was fake. Thank the LORD,” said Hailee Morgan (@haileemcc) September 3, 2016.
Well, this guy has a really good point to be followed. Use Google!
“For those who DON’T know how to do a simple Google search, Sylvester Stallone is NOT dead. You’re welcome. That is all,” suggested Christopher Kutcher on September 2, 2016.
If you still have any doubt ? Check out his Instagram post.