Which Character Was Adam West’s Favorite In The Batman TV Series?
The 1960’s saw the birth of Beatlemania and the Sexual Revolution. It also saw the birth of DC’s popular comics Batman come to life on the small screen. The Batman series was a short campy one that even spawned a 1966 movie. Something unheard of back in the day. How far we have evolved for superhero fare from that time can be seen just in the amount of movies released over the years and the very existence of MCU and DCMU
Adam West who played the caped crusader along with his former sidekick Burt Ward recently took their 50th Anniversary Farewell Tour to Fan Expo Canada 2016, which is being held at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. During the Q&A, the dynamic duo was asked a question that most fans were clearly very curious about. “Who was your favorite person to work with on the Batman series?” To which the ever charismatic West answered:
“Catwoman. She gave me curious stirrings in my utility belt.” This got the crowd to light up,but he also added The Riddler and Penguin to the list. Catwoman was portrayed by Julie Newmar in the first two seasons while Eartha Kitt took over the role when Newmar left in the third season.Lee Meriwether played Catwoman for the 1966 movie.. The Riddler was portrayed by Frank Gorshin and The Penguin by Burgess Meredith.
Burt Ward who played Robin to Adam Ward’s Batman gave a rather funny answer to the fan query:
“One of the actors I really liked working with was Vincent Price,” he shared. “That was fun because Adam and I had a chance to get into a gigantic egg fight. And alway as a kid, I got into trouble for throwing eggs, but this time, I got paid for throwing eggs. So that was a lot of fun.”
Egghead was portrayed by actor Vincent Price.The Batman series was a short one but it still has a very huge fan following to this day. Many children grew up to it and found new readers in the Batman coimic books.The villains especially had very unique characters that were brought to life by talented actors and are still inspiration for many Batman movies.