Filming a movie is one of the toughest jobs. Actors and directors have to sacrifice a lot of things, from their blood to tears to deliver it to the big screens. Even though there are plenty of safety equipment but still there are plenty of accidents that happen. Here are 5 times when things went horribly wrong on movie sets.
1) The Lord of the Rings: The two Towers
At the very start of filming the second The Lord of the Rings, Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli were saddened when they knew that Merry and Pippin have been killed by the orcs. In the scene where Aragorn was standing near a burning pile of carcasses, and he kicks a helmet across the grass and cry out in agony. While watching this scene Director Peter Jackson was quite impressed by his role, but actor’s performance in taking was partial because he fractured his toe, in one scene, he even lost a tooth.
2) The Twilight
In the very first shot of Robert Pattinson for the first Twilight, he has to live his co-star Kristen Stewart. Of the injury, he received while filming, he didn’t let the poor experience to deter him and worked with her on all four films.
3) Harry Potter And the Deathly Hallows Part 1
While Practicing for a broomstick sequence for the first Deathly Hallows film, Daniel Radcliffe’s body-double, David Holmes, suffered a serious injury when an explosion knocked him off the broomstick and he fell on the ground.
4) Top Gun
The movie is known for its daring fighter jet sequence and hired a professional air stuntman Art Scholl to handle the in-flight camera work. On Top Gun, he did the flat spin move and was unable to return his plane to normal position. He crashed into the Pacific Ocean, Neither Scholl nor the plane ever recovered.
5) Star Wars: The Force Awakens
Star Wars: The Force Awakens seventh episode was a big selling point in which there was the return of original trilogy stars like Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, and Harrison Ford. Ford had to invove in more physical stuff than anyone else. During filming, he suffered a broken leg when the door of the Millennium Falcon came crashing down.