Sometimes a sexy character can add an important element to a film but sometimes it is not necessary. Sexualizing a character might help you to gain a popularity for once, or it might help you in earning at a box office. But it is not like that. Here are 5 female characters who were unnecessarily sexualized.
1) Leeloo “The Fifth Element” (1997)
In this sci-fi action flick, Leeloo who is one of the supreme beings in the Universe. Her main two outfits consist of a series of bandages that reveals more skin than they cover up, and a crop top with tight pants and suspenders that wrap around the crotch. It was important to have a sexy character but was it necessary to strip in front of everyone.
2) Ginger Knowles “Swordfish” (2001)
Is Helly Berry’s topless scene needed for this movie is one of the biggest questions that arose. The scene seems out of place with the rest of the film. the critics complained that the moment was only added to give swordfish more buzz.
3) Christmas Jones “The World is not Enough” (1999)
Bond girls are supposed to be sexy and are often overly sexualized. But the movie The World is not Enough goes too far with Christmas Jones. She plays a role of a nuclear physicist who is assisting Bond on his mission to prevent a nuclear meltdown.
4) Princess Leia Organa “Star Wars Episode VI: Returns of the Jedi” (1983)
Princess Leia was without a doubt everyone’s fantasy girl when the original star wars trilogy hit the theaters. Princess Leia was given gold bikini outfit in Return of the Jedi. It felt like a cheap exploit of a strong female character.
5) Tinker Bell “Peter Pan” (1953)
It seems like fairies have always been depicted as gorgeous females. Tinker Bell has an exaggerated hourglass figure and that’s accentuated with big blue eyes and bright blonde hair.