X-Men Apocalypse Concept Art is STUNNING
Here’s something interesting that we’ve been dwelling upon for quite some time now, yes, again! Talking about X-Men Apocalypse, was it just us or did the creators miss out on matching up Apocalypse overall look keeping up to its iconic comic book character.
I’m sure it was one of the best make over the team could have done, but it really did not match up to its comic book look and instead seemed more like a cartoonish character, while others felt he looked more like Ivan Ooze from the Power Rangers. If we go by the original comic books, Apocalypse is one bad ass character that has some real scary look attached to it.
Since the movie was released, some new and amazing concept art has been announced which shows Apocalypse in a darker way which is appropriate to his character as a big bad villain as portrayed in the comic books. With the strong use of black and white aesthetic seems more appropriate and in line, with the latest concept artwork from Jared Marantz depicts an incarnation of the First Mutant.
Since the dawn of civilization, he was worshiped as a god. Apocalypse, the first and most powerful mutant from Marvel’s X-Men universe, amassed the powers of many other mutants, becoming immortal and invincible. Upon awakening after thousands of years, he is disillusioned with the world as he finds it and recruits a team of powerful mutants, including a disheartened Magneto (Michael Fassbender), to cleanse mankind and create a new world order, over which he will reign. As the fate of the Earth hangs in the balance, Raven (Jennifer Lawrence) with the help of Professor X (James McAvoy) must lead a team of young X-Men to stop their greatest nemesis and save mankind from complete destruction.
Apart from this, some great concept art has been released which shows a new look for Cyclops and Mystic done by concept artist Joshua James Shaw released on his Facebook page. This look shows more of the 90’s costume and can be an alternate possibility.