
Flashpoint: 5 Questions on Everyone’s Mind

At the end of the season 2, Barry Allen/Flash went back in time and actually saved his mother from the Reverse Flash, and in the process completely changing the timeline. Grant Gustin revealed the title of the first episode of season 3 on his twitter handle – Flashpoint. He wrote “We are definitely doing this FP thing our own way. I have read Flashpoint, I have seen the amazing animated film. This will be its own thing.” Prof. Wells told Barry Allen in season 1 “If you change the timeline to prevent any event from happening, time will find an equally bad occurrence to replace it.” But he still went ahead and ignored his warning.

Here’re the five questions in the minds of DC fans regarding Flashpoint:

What will be its impact on the life of Barry Allen?


Barry will start to get unfolded in the new timeline, hence he will rapidly start losing memories of the previous timeline.

What will people be most shocked by?


Todd Helbing (Executive producer) thinks Joe West will be the most shocking character while Aron Helbing (Executive producer) believes it to be Caitlin Snow.

How different will be the Flashpoint characters as compared to the original ones?


Todd thinks they will be as different as their doppelgangers were on Earth-2. Aaron said “Caitlin is still a doctor, Joe is still a detective, Iris is still a reporter. Cisco’s probably the biggest departure, and then there’s Kid Flash.”

How different is Kid Flash from Wally?


Todd said “He’s awesome! You see in the trailer, it’s like a money hero shot and he just embodies this [superhero sensibility]. What’s awesome is to see another good speedster. He’s like this younger version of Barry. While Barry was this dorky guy and insecure in a lot of ways, Wally’s not like that. He was racing cars, he was taking care of himself, he was the man of the house, and so you put that attitude in a superhero and it’s awesome.”

Will Flashpoint affect other CW shows?

Arrow -- "Left Behind" -- Image AR310a_0117b -- Pictured: David Ramsey as John Diggle -- Photo: Ed Araquel/The CW -- © 2015 The CW Network, LLC. All Rights Reserved.

It will affect one character the most – Diggle. Supergirl is on different Earth while Legends are time-travelling. Everything will come together in a 4-night crossover.

The season 3 of Flash will start from Oct 4, Tuesdays, 8:00 p.m. on the CW network.

Anuj Aggarwal

A Voracious reader. An explorer. An Intellectual. A Die hard fan of Leonardo dicaprio and a Game of Thrones fanatic. Love to dabble in different things at the same time - Politics, International Cinema, History, Music, Literature etc. Welcome you all...
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