Is Matt Damon going to be a Superhero in DC Cinematic Universe?
Ben Affleck and Matt Damon have known to be quite good friends in Hollywood. With Ben now directing Batman, Matt has stated, if given the opportunity he would like to work with Ben Affleck in Batman, provided it’s a significant role. It sure would be nice to see some dynamic duos on the big screen.
The one thing that really attracts Matt to DC Universe is his friend Ben directing the movie and Matt has said more than once that he would love to be directed by his old friend Ben. According to Matt “I’d consider anything with the right director, but I can’t imagine there are any superheroes left, I think they’re all taken at this moment. If [Ben Affleck] was directing me, I’d jump on it in a New York minute. I’d love to work with Ben.”
While Matt goes on to say the flip side of working with Ben Affleck “The problem with Ben is every time he directs a movie, he gives himself the best role in it, so until he’s willing to give up the best role to one of his friends, we’re not going to get on with it.”
For Matt, since most of the superheroes have already been spoken for, Matt would not mind trying for a villainous role, though we can’t imagine Matt playing Robin at this point of time. At one point we can even think of Matt playing the role of Edward Nygma or the Red Hood. I guess that would suit his age and image, while we see Ben playing an older Batman.
No matter what way you sway, it would be awesome to see Matt Damon and Ben Affleck work together in Batman. While Affleck goes on his directing venture in a superhero movie it would make the situation even better. At the end of the day, we really don’t care if the two are fighting against each other, or beside each other.
Either way, we would get to see Matt Damon in his fourth installment of Jason Bourne, being his own superhero for now.