Ryan Reynolds delivering a performance of his lifetime, pleasing the fans with his awesome comic timing, hitting all the right notes as Deadpool, clocking the global box office collections in excess of $800 million while the cost of production was less than $60 million, holding the record for highest ever R-rated opening weekends, President’s day weekends and X-men franchise, this is all part of history. Recently, the blu-ray version of the movie was launched, and fans are drooling over cool additional features including montages, impromptu jokes, deleted scenes etc.
Such an incredible showing at the global box-office immediately spurred the talk of a possible sequel, the studio has expressed its intent in creating Deadpool franchise as it’s proved to be a cash cow. In an interview, Ryan Reynolds admitted to the possibilities of a sequel and bringing Cable into the sequel. In comics, he is the time-travelling son of Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor (a clone of Jean Grey) who was trained to be the warrior in the future, who return as an older man in the present. He has telepathic and telekinetic powers.
The famous actor Ron Perlman (Sons of Anarchy, Hellboy) has made a strong case for himself to play Cable in the Deadpool sequel. He has aggressively taken to social media, talking to fans, posting pictures as Cable on his Instagram account, trying to convince the studio to rope him as the anti-hero to balance the scales as a foil to Deadpool “happy go murdery” persona. He is also famous for his voice in the world of animation and video games including Fallout, Batman: The Animated series, Teen Titans etc). He isn’t the only person pitching himself for the role, there is now Dolph Lundgren who told Nerdist “I can see myself kicking some serious butt in the role”. Who do you want to see as Cable? Comment below.