
10 Adorably Wise Quotes by the Legendary Charlie Chaplin

During my childhood, I’ve watched a lot of Charlie Chaplin movies. No performer other than Charlie Chaplin has had such a durable effect ever in the history of entertainment. I still vividly remember how I would put on my dad’s shoes and meander about in my home. But apart from his matchless style and that smile all over his face that made him a legend, his perspective about life, people and problems were effortlessly noticeable through his off-screen quotes – Here are some of them that would stir up in you a need for thoughtful introspection:


charlie chaplin























Shresth Vardhan

A zealous and trained dancer. An avid reader. A cooking aficionado. Painting and sketching enthusiast. I am an avid learner, a napper, and a dog-snorgler. EDM devotee. Anti-Gandhi. Money does everything. I like to open my mind and absorb everything around me. Work hard, Dream big, Stay Humble. I believe in reading between the lines and stating the obvious not so obviously. Being a law student I decode everything that intrigues me. I enjoy new experiences, fun times, anything that is new and exciting! I am a wanderer, swashbuckler, explorer and there is no rock I will leave unturned in my search throughout this lifetime. I love traveling, seeing new places, learning about new cultures, meeting new people. WHY BE A KING WHEN YOU CAN BE THE GOD?
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