
Tim Miller is “Humbled” by Massive Success of Deadpool, Assures fans about Sequel

After a disastrous portrayal of an iconic superhero character in X-Men: Origins, Ryan Reynolds delivered a performance of a lifetime, hit all the right notes in the standalone movie Deadpool directed by Tim Miller. It has been the most successful Ryan Reynolds film in his entire career, the global box office collections have surpassed $750 million while the cost of production was less than $60 million. It holds the record for highest ever R-rated opening weekends, President’s day weekends and X-men franchise. Tim Miller said in a recent interview with Collider that “He thought opening at $50 million would be great. If we could open at fifty, I would be happy. Because at the budget we were, I felt if we could open at fifty, I would get a chance to make another movie. If it didn’t, then maybe not so much. Or maybe I’d have to wait for another ten years or something like that”.

Such a great showing have prompted talk of a possible sequel, the studio is definitely interested in making Deadpool franchise as it’s proved to be a cash cow. In another interview, Ryan Reynolds admitted to the possibilities of a sequel, bringing Cable or X-force action into the sequel. But one thing that is confirmed is that there will not be a direct crossover of Deadpool and X-Men movies (by Bryan Singer) anytime soon, as the tone of both the franchises are poles apart.

The X-force movie is in the works, and according to sources writers of Deadpool are involved with it indicating a possible crossover in the future. There is only one way to make this work i.e Deadpool is hired by someone to kill someone important and X-force is brought in to stop him. Well….let’s see what future holds…

Anuj Aggarwal

A Voracious reader. An explorer. An Intellectual. A Die hard fan of Leonardo dicaprio and a Game of Thrones fanatic. Love to dabble in different things at the same time - Politics, International Cinema, History, Music, Literature etc. Welcome you all...
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