
Arrow Season 4: Cupid Returns to the Star City


Carrie Hartnell Cutter or Cupid is a Starling city Police department (SCPD) officer turned vigilante who got inspired by “The Hood”. She is a former member of Starling city SWAT Team who left the force one year before Oliver Queen came back to Starling city. She recruited a hacker, collected data pertaining to Arrow and started vigorously practicing archery. She became obsessed with it so much so that she began to threaten/kill innocent people to draw the attention of Arrow. Her obsession with Arrow started when she was attacked by Slade Wilson’s Mira-kuru soldiers but Arrow intervened and saved her. Later on, after Team Arrow brought her down, she was taken in by the Amanda Waller as part of the “Suicide Squad”. Her favorite line is “I am Cupid, Stupid”.

She will return to the Star city in the episode 16 of Arrow season 4, wreaking havoc and waging war against all the lovers of the city. The top of her list will be Green Arrow, adding to the troubles of Team Arrow. She is relatively a minor threat that Green Arrow would be dealing with in the remaining episodes. There are three major plot-points that need resolution within the 8 episodes left in season 4 – Who is in the grave? What will be Damien Darhk’s fate? What is H.I.V.E’s evil plan for the Star city?

Well…stay tuned for the answers…the show will resume on March 23, 2016 at CW network.

Anuj Aggarwal

A Voracious reader. An explorer. An Intellectual. A Die hard fan of Leonardo dicaprio and a Game of Thrones fanatic. Love to dabble in different things at the same time - Politics, International Cinema, History, Music, Literature etc. Welcome you all...
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