From the day he made his debut he has grabbed many eyeballs. The entire wwe universe loves to see him in the ring. But a fight can be better if both the fighters have equal potential. He is only a few weeks old in wwe so there are a lot of opponents out there in the locker room. Here is a list of five such opponents:
The prize fighter and the phenomenal already had a small fight in the royal rumble. Moreover it was Owen’s who eliminated AJ. Undoubtedly both are supremely talented and entertaining wrestlers. They both can go to any extreme to beat their opponents. It will be a phenomenal fight which surely will win millions of hearts all across the globe.
Both Brock and Styles both are former IWGP Heavyweight champions. One is the beast who loves to send his opponents to Suplex city, while the other has his own style statement. Brock is the unbeatable force while AJ is known as the mastermind of offensive innovation. Individually they have a lot to set a ring on fire. Imagine what will happen if both are in the same ring at the same time.
We saw a glimpse of them fight courtesy royal rumble, and we loved it. WWE universe won’t mind to see them fight. It will be interesting to see whether style gives a clear statement or Roman spears him. One thing they have in common is extreme professionalism. They both give their best in each fight. So WWE universe ‘spread the news’ so that it reaches McMahon ears.
Be honest and confess didn’t you compare Styles with Cena the moment you saw the former. From crowd pulling theme music to moves AJ has got everything that made John Cena. Just for a few second imagine them face to face in the same ring doesn’t it give Goosebumps. It sure does hell; it has to be one of the most entertaining fights ever in wwe history. So if you want some then SHARE and get some.