
5 Reasons Why Desperate Housewives is a Must Watch

 Released in 2004, Desperate Housewives mainly revolves around the lives of 4 friends: Susan Mayer, Lynette Scavo, Bree Van De Kamp and Gabrielle Solis. This show is narrated by their deceased friend Mary Alice Young. Desperate Housewives is a show filled with humor, comedy, steamy romance and not to mention DRAMA. If you have not already started watching this show here are a list of reasons why.


Life Messages

Even though this show mainly showcases the lives of housewives in the ever beautiful Wisteria Lane, this show delivers so many beautiful life messages like how important friendship is , the role that your family plays in your life, money can’t buy happiness and many more.

The Friendship

One of the most valuable things in life is friendship. This is very clearly portrayed in this series. The caring nature of Bree, Lynette’s loving nature, fun loving nature of Susan and Gaby’s childish nature makes their friendship circle complete. Even though their friendship is tested many times in the series, they always find a way to keep their friendship together. They always make sure to be there for their friends during both happy as well as sad times.


What’s a series without scandals? Well you don’t have to ask such questions here. Almost all characters in this series have one affair or the other. This series is filled with scandal and steamy romance. And if you do not like such scandals in that case too there are a few couples who stay together till the end of the series. Either way it’s a win-win situation.


In need of some family drama? Well you have come to the right place. After you have watched this series every time you think of it the first thing that will come to your mind is DRAMA! Each and every family on Wisteria Lane has a dark past or a hidden secret that they prefer to stay hidden. This show gives its generous share of Drama in all of its episodes.

The Exceptional Cast

Be it a person who appears in only one episode or in all episodes, the cast in this series is exceptional. The way that each person portrays their character is amazing. The actors fit in perfectly with their roles and express their roles wonderfully. You will not want this cast changed for anything. You will realize this once you watch this series. The wonderful houses that fill the Wisteria Lane definitely deserves a special mention.

Rathna Sudhakar

A person who loves to play and have fun. Loves to solve the Rubik's Cube. Hoping to achieve great things in life and make history one day.
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