
Five Famous Queens


Cleopatra was a queen of Egypt, and was a member of Ptolemaic dynasty, a family of Macedonian Greek origin that ruled Egypt after Alexander`s death. She initially ruled jointly with her father, then with her brothers, eventually becoming the sole ruler. She bore a son to Julius Caesar and her grip on throne was solidified due to support of Rome. After Caesar`s assassination, she sided with Mark Antony against Augustus Caesar. After both Antony and she was defeated at the Battle of Actium by Augustus` forces, both of them committed suicide.

She had fascinated Western culture for long by the tales of her beauty.

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Suryansh Goyal

An engineering graduate, currently pursuing MBA. Loves to read novels, specially classics. Likes to think random ideas in free time. A history lover, wants to learn as much about civilizations, religions, cultures as he can. Dreams of becoming a writer someday.
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