10 Amazing Movie Sequels that Perfectly Captured the Essence of the Originals
In the entire history of cinema, whenever a movie destroys the box office, the producers start talking about its sequel. But some movies are just too unique that a sequel just doesn’t seem to capture its essence. Then comes some sequels that hit the jackpot and prove to be a worthy sequel to the movie. Some of them even lay the groundwork for a franchise that becomes a moneymaking machine for the creator studios. Talking about such amazing movie sequels, here is a list of 10 that were just like their predecessors in all the aspects that mattered:
Tim Burton did a really good job when he came up with the first Batman film in 1989. Then when he came back with a sequel in 1992, it received the same love (if not more!) than the first one did. Michael Keaton’s Batman fighting against Christopher Walken’s Max Shrek and Danny DeVito’s Penguin, under the direction of the legendary Tim Burton, was the magic formula that led to the movie’s success.
2. 2017’S BLADE RUNNER 2049
Blade Runner is a pop classic and has been since it came out. Many fans feared that its sequel, releasing after 35 years of the original, would not stand a chance at success. However, Denis Villeneuve proved every critic wrong. 2049 was successful in creating the perfect balance between being different from the original while also resembling it in many ways. The movie was a sequel masterpiece, even though many people don’t believe it.
3. 2003’S X-MEN 2
The X-Men franchise, among the other successful franchises that followed, laid the foundation of the Marvel Cinematic Universe as we know it today. The first film (2000) was the perfect comic-book film that the people want. It blended the comic sense of the characters with a real-world approach. And same can be said for its sequel that came out in 2003.
4. 1986’S ALIENS
Not many directors can pull off a stunt to start a sequel right where it left off when it had already been 10 years since the first one came out. But James Cameron did it. Taking over Ridley Scott’s Alien, Cameron pulled off the impossible. He was able to fit the sequel perfectly in the OG’s universe, without raising a lot of eyebrows.
5. 1990’S ROBOCOP 2
Irvin Kershner took over Paul Verhoeven’s work on Robocop 2 and made a movie so great, it still holds up. Like many directors would do, Kershner didn’t try to copy Verhoeven’s work, nor did he try to build upon his vision. Instead, he gave us a different that still resembled the original in all the ways that mattered. Robocop 2 was successful in capturing the essence of the first film in all of the aspects- gore, violence, and comical scenes.
Superman was a movie way beyond its time. It came out way before nerd culture ever became a thing. Instead, it destroyed the box office and laid the foundation for one of the best franchises of all time. Richard Donner was so sure of his work that he started working on a sequel while filming the first one. And that is why Superman II felt exactly like the first one, with all its aesthetics and film colors.
Many sequels try to further tell the story of the lead but often disappoint the fans. But not The Bourne Supremacy. The Bourne Supremacy picked up right after The Bourne Identity left off and complete the life’s story of Jason Bourne, one of the best movie characters of all time. Interestingly, the movie marked the beginning of Matt Damon’s career in action movies.
Matrix was one of the most successful sci-fi films and still keeps its viewers questioning reality. The first movie attempted to establish a character who would break through the shackles of machines and bring humans their freedom. And Matrix Reloaded made it possible. The film’s visual effects and the excellent work by the cast made the movie feel exactly like the first one.
Rocky is considered a movie that was able to create a perfect balance between the present story and what is the story leading to. The movie gave the climax scene the time it needed to look just perfect. Not many movies were able to do that, and still can’t. Building on this perfection, Rocky II did it again and perfectly. Well, I should stop using perfect so much!
Terminator broke all stereotypes of a time-traveling action movie with a sci-fi setting. And it was James Cameron who did it, AGAIN! The sequel changed many things from the OG one, namely the Terminator’s nature. Still, viewers couldn’t help but notice how much it resembled the original movie. Only Cameron can change the character from villainous to heroic and still keep the sequel stick to the prequel. Bravo!
Which of these amazing movie sequels is your favorite?
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