Just Like Homecoming Spider-Man: Far From Home Also Messes Up MCU Timeline
What is it with Spider-Man movies in the MCU and the timeline! First Homecoming showed us a major plot hole as it supposedly took place in 2020 of the MCU years. The first Avengers movie took place in 2012, and this was confirmed by Avengers: Endgame. Homecoming was linked to the aftermath of the Avengers and then gave us a time jump for 8 years. Infinity War took place in 2018, and that meant that Homecoming had screwed up its timeline. Now, Spider-Man: Far From Home also manages to do the same!
Spoilers for Spider-Man: Far From Home ahead.
During Captain America: Civil War, we learn that Peter Parker is 15 years old. Now, any high school student will clear school by the time he is 17 or 18 unless he/she flunks. Spider-Man: Homecoming takes place months, or perhaps almost a year after Civil War. And Infinity War takes place 2 years after Civil War. So, logically, Peter should be 17 by the time he reaches Infinity War. And he should have died as a 17 year old.
But when he blipped back, Spider-Man: Far From Home states Peter as a 16 year old High school student. Now if you place all the events chronologically and summarize Peter’s age, he was 15 years old in 2016 (Civil War), and is still 16 years old in 2023 (Far From Home). So we’ve got ourselves another timeline problem with regards to Peter’s age.
It seems that Marvel knew about it and just deliberately ignored the problem so they could keep Peter in High school. Even the next Spider-Man movie would logically place Peter in High school, and that’s exactly he is stated as a 16 year old kid. No matter how amazing these Spider-Man films are, these little details just ruin the quality of the film.
So, we just have to move forward with the attitude of “who cares” and keep ignoring these problems. But the problems in Homecoming would have been solved by just having the time jump shortened. Instead of 8 years later, it could have been 4 or 5 years and things would have worked out well. The problem in Spider-Man: Far From Home could be solved by making Peter and his friends 17 years old instead of 16.
Well, moving on from these little problems, we can be happy that the action sequences of this film were levelled up. We did assume that Mysterio will be used extremely well, and that’s really what happened. Here’s what director Jon Watts said about the scale and scope of the fight sequences in the film:
“I wanted to really raise the action stakes from the last movie. With the Vulture it’s a one-on-one fight. A mechanized villain. But with Spider-Man, you have the ability to do so much more. We’ve seen him fight much larger villains and have spectacular set pieces…I’ve always loved Hydro-Man and Molten Man and his ability to have a giant, elemental kind of creature for Spider-Man to fight against. Anything that makes things more difficult for him and opens up visual opportunities for me, I’ll run at bat.”
Spider-Man: Far From Home stars Tom Holland (Peter Parker/Spider-Man), Zendaya (Michelle Jones), Jake Gyllenhaal (Mysterio), Samuel L. Jackson (Nick Fury), Cobie Smulders (Maria Hill), Marisa Tomei (May Parker), Jon Favreau (Happy Hogan), Angourie Rice (Betty, Jacob Batalon (Ned), Tony Revolori (Flash Thompson), and Numan Acar (Magnum).
Here’s the official Synopsis:
“Peter Parker returns in Spider-Man: Far From Home, the next chapter of the Spider-Man: Homecoming series! Our friendly neighborhood Super Hero decides to join his best friends Ned, MJ, and the rest of the gang on a European vacation. However, Peter’s plan to leave super heroics behind for a few weeks are quickly scrapped when he begrudgingly agrees to help Nick Fury uncover the mystery of several elemental creature attacks, creating havoc across the continent!”