Did David Harbour Tease Playing ‘The Thing’ in the Black Widow Movie?
The Black Widow movie is coming out and it is no secret. We’ll get to see all these new cast members join the film with Scarlett Johansson being the constant. We could perhaps have other established MCU characters like Nick Fury, Agent Coulson, Maria Hill, Winter Soldier or perhaps even Hawkeye make cameos, but this film will largely depend upon the character of Natasha Romanoff and her secret adventures from the past.
There was a rumor which suggested that the Black Widow movie could bridge the gap between Civil War and Infinity War, but knowing that a film like that wouldn’t offer us anything new, we can put that rumor aside. The Black Widow movie will deal with the origin of Natasha Romanoff and her motivations before joining Shield. It could probably even give us the answer to what happened in Budapest. But we cannot actually assume that the whole movie will be based on the past events teased in other MCU films.
There would certainly be some new characters coming into play, and with them we’d find out the darker past of Natasha Romanoff. One of the new mystery characters coming in is David Harbour. The Stranger Things and Hellboy (2019) actor isn’t hiding the fact that he will be in the Black Widow movie. In fact he has expressed his happiness of joining the MCU in many interviews.
But according to what he told Advanced Television, we don’t just get the confirmation of him being in the Black Widow movie, but it may also be a tease of the character that he is playing in the film. And this tease could really shock many fans if it turns out to be true as the hint we’ve got is towards the fact that Black Widow movie could be bringing forward the debut of Ben Grimm aka the Thing. Harbour said that he is really glad that “this thing is joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe.”
Now it could really be too far of a stretch to think that Ben Grimm could be a part of the Black Widow movie, but knowing that Marvel does own the rights to the character and his entire team (Fantastic Four), anything is possible. It is obvious that we won’t get to see him as the big Stone Man, but Ben Grimm does become a possibility. Although it is entirely possible that this tease is nothing, so we should not get too excited too soon.
Kevin Feige has confirmed that Marvel currently has a 5 year plan running and they won’t be pursuing with the X-Men and Fantastic Four movies or characters for a long while. He said:
“It’ll be a while. It’s all just beginning and the five-year plan that we’ve been working on, we were working on before any of that was set. So really it’s much more, for us, less about specifics of when and where [the X-Men, Fantastic Four will appear] right now and more just the comfort factor and how nice it is that they’re home. That they’re all back. But it will be a very long time.”
Let’s see what happens. Along with David Harbour, Florence Pugh & Andre Holland (Taskmaster) are going to appear in the film. According to the potential synopsis of Black Widow which has been revolving around the internet, the film will take place in 2006:
“At birth, the Black Widow (aka Natasha Romanova) is given to the KGB, which grooms her to become its ultimate operative. When the U.S.S.R. breaks up, the government tries to kill her as the action moves to present-day New York, where she is a freelance operative. The standalone film will find Romanoff living in the United States 15 years after the fall of the Soviet Union.”
Black Widow solo movie will supposedly hit Marvel’s May 1, 2020 release date.