Latest Avengers: Endgame TV Spot Features New Iron Man Weapon
We are just two days from the finale, i.e. Avengers: Endgame and the first reviews of the movie are out. Every single critic or celebrity who has seen it is calling it ‘the greatest superhero movie ever made’. Some have also quoted this movie as the greatest film ever made making some non-superhero fans angry. But, I think regardless of genre, if Endgame beats Avatar’s record then I don’t think there’s any reason why we shouldn’t call it the greatest movie. The promotions are in full swing and a new TV Spot has surfaced revealing a new Iron Man weapon. Have a look:
There’s nothing new in this TV Spot, except the glimpse of a new weapon getting tested by Robert Downey Jr. In this spot, titled ‘Found’, we saw Iron Man standing alongside Ronin, testing a new weapon which is more of a shield. But if you look from close range, you’ll find that the shape and appearance of the shield are slightly similar to that of his mask. So, there are chances that we are going to see an interesting looking shield in the hands of Iron Man in Endgame.
We would definitely see the most advanced Iron Man suit in Endgame, Mark 85 Armor, and along with that, now this shield would only make him stronger against Thanos. This would be his last appearance as Iron Man but we hope, he makes a return soon in the MCU, even if it is as Tony Stark, for there will never be an actor out there who can portray the character of Tony Stark or Iron Man better than Robert Downey Jr.
Would Iron Man survive this Endgame, or will he die with a few others? We will find it all in Avengers: Endgame which releases this Friday on April 26.