Darkseid Would Have Murdered Lois Lane in The Original Justice League Snyder Cut
Justice League:
It has been almost 1.5 years since Justice League came out, and people are still cringing about the Snyder Cut. Aquaman and Shazam! have proven that WB and the Worlds of DC are way past the Snyder era, but there are certain fans that still hope to see the Snyder Cut some day. Well, the chances of the launch of a Snyder Cut are almost equal to 0% now, but at least we do have the confirmation of its existence as Snyder himself confirmed it.
But along with this confirmation, we’ve actually got so many new details for the Snyder Cut of Justice League. The former DCEU director even addressed certain controversial moments from Batman V Superman. He talked about his vision of making Batman a murderer, and the infamous Martha Moment. But those things are history. What people wanted to know the intricacies of his original plans for Justice League.
Everyone knows the story of why Snyder was really fired from the film. Apparently, WB did not like the direction he was taking the DCEU in, and they weren’t onboard with the insane things happening in the big DCEU crossover films. The Knightmare scene from BvS was a long shot set up that obviously would have been explained later.
Snyder hosted an event called “The Director’s Cuts” at ArtCenter College of Design in Pasadena, and there he appeared in a Q&A with the fans, answering the questions of the hardcore DC fans present there. Snyder revealed Lois’ death at the hands of Darkseid:
“The truth is that the ‘Knightmare Sequence’ in this movie, it was my idea that all of that would eventually be explained – is that a surprise? And that we would end up in the distant future where Darkseid has taken over Earth, and where Superman has succumbed to the Anti-Life [Equation]. And there were a few members of the Justice League that survived to that world, and that they were fighting, Batman and a broken half of Cyborg – there’s only half of him because of whatever happened – they were working on an equation to jump back to tell Bruce… those were the things that we were dealing with. And the studio, they were still sort of into the big look, but the deep depth about how and why everyone was mad at each other…
Because Lois – and it’s in the Justice League teaser; it wasn’t in the movie apparently… it’s this line where Bruce says, ‘I was right here, and Barry Allen came to me and he said ‘Lois Lane is the key.’ And then [Wonder Woman] goes, ‘She is to Superman; every heart has one.’ And he goes, ‘I think it’s something more, something darker.’ And what it means is that the thing that was darker was all about if Lois died, Superman would succumb to the Anti-Life, right? And Superman knew that somehow it was Bruce’s responsibility to protect Lois, he would’ve been mad at him in this movie, and that’s why he says, ‘She was my world, and you took her from me.”
Snyder then went on to talk about the time travel possibilities in order to fix the past, but the highlight of what he said was the epic tragic moment in the story:
“Because he [Bruce} had to jump back right before Darkseid Boom Tubes into the Batcave to murder Lois.”
Well, we can see why Snyder was fired from the job he first got. We will never see the end to his dark tale set up because WB had already altered his vision big time by bringing Joss Whedon into the mix. WB got cold feet upon what Snyder was building towards. Apparently, the Avengers movies are doing the same, letting Thanos win. But now there is no going back as the fans, Snyder & the cast of the film have been robbed off something really special.