Latest Update on Armie Hammer as the Next Batman Has Been Debunked
Next Batman:
Batfleck – “There were perfect things, Diamond Absolutes. But things fall, things on Earth. And what falls … fallen.” It’s amazing how things that happen in the movies also happens for people in real life and it is really unfortunate that Ben Affleck’s first ever dialogue in the DC Universe is what has happened with his character in the movies.
Ever since Ben Affleck officially hung his cape and cowl after his short run as the Caped Crusador, people have been Wondering as to who exactly is going to be the next Dark Knight. It is such a big thing when WB looks for their next Batman as the entire world gets involved in it. Batman has a huge fan base and since he wasn’t done Justice with WB’s latest stint, people are even more engrossed into finding the next Batman.
While we have seen so many variations of Batman, we have actually not seen someone on the very young side. Starting from Michael Keaton, all the Batmen have always been in their 30s when they put on the Mask. Keaton was 37 in 1989, Val Kilmer was 35 in 1995, George Clooney was 35 in 1997 and Christian Bale was 31 in 2005. Ben Affleck played an older grittier version of the character and he was 43 years old in 2016.
So if you look at it, the youngest they’ve gone is actually Christian Bale who started when he was 30, and ended before his 40s. Just like a Batman hasn’t done a whole lot of detective work in the movies, he also hasn’t been played by a young actor in his Mid-20s. So this time WB seems to be looking on the young side so they could actually have the actor in for a longer run.
Recent rumors and reports have chosen Armie Hammer as the new Batman. A new report from Revenge of the Fans which is also supported by We Got This Covered states that Hammer is in final talks to be the next Dark Knight. According to this report, Hammer hasn’t yet signed on for the role but,
“Barring any major setbacks, Hammer is expected to become this generation’s Batman.”
For those of you who don’t know or remember, Armie Hammer was actually cast in George Miller’s Justice League: Mortal, but since the movie was ultimately canceled, we never got to see Hammer as the Bat. But years later, reports did come out in 2017 that Hammer actually did some costume tests. Although he himself admitted that he was glad the movie got canceled as he was too young to play the role back then.
While this report corroborates him to be the Caped Crusader, another one coming from Heroic Hollywood actually claims that Hammer is definitely not going to play Batman. The HH’s article mentions the fact that The Wrap’s Umberto Gonzalez has learned from WB that Hammer is in fact not going to be Batman. Here are those tweets confirming this:
So WB actually looking for a young actor in his 20s does confirm the fact that Matt Reeves is looking to do a Batman Year One storyline, basing his Batman more grounded in detective work. So, it would be really interesting to see who actually gets to be the next Big Bat, or in this case, Young Bat.
As of now, there are no names that have been highlighted, but let’s just see where things go. what we know for a fact is that the casting will surely stir up a lot of talk on social media. The Batman comes out on June 25, 2021.