
Here’re Two Major Superhero Characters Confirmed For Deadpool 2

Ryan Reynolds delivered a performance of his lifetime, pleasing the lifelong Deadpool fans with his awesome comic timing & solid punches, hitting all the right notes, clocking the global box office collections in excess of $800 million while the cost of production was less than $60 million, holding the record for highest ever R-rated opening weekends, President’s day weekends and most successful superhero movie in the entire X-men franchise.

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Such an incredible showing at the global box-office immediately spurred the talk of a possible sequel, the studio expressed its intent in creating a vibrant Deadpool franchise as it’s proved to be a cash cow. The details of the sequel are now pouring in as Jeff Sneider revealed in “Meet the Movie Press” that the studio is bringing Cable and Domino into the mix. In comics, Cable is the time-travelling son of Cyclops and Madelyne Pryor (a clone of Jean Grey) who was trained to be the warrior in the future, who return as an older man in the present. He has telepathic and telekinetic powers. He serves as an anti-hero in order to balance the scales as a foil to Deadpool’s “happy go murdery” persona. Further, there will also be a time-travel component in the movie. From what we have learned Deadpool 2 will be an open season to ridicule comic-book movies left, right and center. It will take potshots at all superhero movies across Marvel and DC.

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Deadpool 2 will be Amazing!

The screenwriters Rhett and Paul in an interview with Nerdist confirmed the return of taxi driver Do ponder in the sequel. Moreover, they confirmed that both Collossus and Negasonic Teenage Warhead will be part of Deadpool 2. Rhett said  “I think we can say. Yeah, they’ll be in the sequel”. Paul added, “they’ll make at least an appearance.”

Anuj Aggarwal

A Voracious reader. An explorer. An Intellectual. A Die hard fan of Leonardo dicaprio and a Game of Thrones fanatic. Love to dabble in different things at the same time - Politics, International Cinema, History, Music, Literature etc. Welcome you all...
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