Marvel Cinematic Universe has been running smoothly in their productions for three films. Guardians Of The Galaxy: Vol 2 has been confirmed as being a wrap project, Spider-Man: Homecoming, Marvel’s first venture with the web-slinging hero has also just finished shooting in New York and the team at Thor: Ragnarok are hard at work shooting the third Thor movie with new director Taika Waititi. Waititi, who has a past with comedic films seem to have a new grasp on the prequel as sources say the movie is quite a departure from the other movies.
At this year’s San Diego Comic-Con, Marvel Studios had heavily hinted that the new Thor movie will feature some of Planet Hulk’s storyline. The studio put a model of a gladiator’s armor on display at the convention. Now it seems like Waititi is also giving another confirmation about Planet Hulk being featured in Thor: Ragnarok.
The director posted a small hint on his Instagram about what was to come in Ragnarok. Waititi posted a picture of a pedal with the initials KORG written on it which sit on top of a rainbow colored keyboard. Korg is a well-known company related to music but the name has a different meaning for Marvel fans.
Korg is the name of a giant rock-like alien who comes from the Kronan race. Korg is first introduced in Planet Hulk as a fellow gladiator to Hulk. Both characters are prisoners in the planet Sakaar, and soon become allies who take over the planet. Korg was a member of the Warbound; a group of former slaves who helped the Hulk overthrow the tyrannical Red King to becomes the conqueror of Sakaar. Fans had suspected that Korg made a small appearance in Thor: The Dark world. The Norse God battles a rock like being whom he easily defeated, thanks in part to his trusty hammer Mjolnir.