Avengers 4: This Theory Suggests who will Become Next Captain America after Chris Evans’ Exit
Captain America:
The world of Marvel Cinematic Universe has been in upheaval recently. The entire movie universe shook with storms as death and destruction rained down from the heavens. Unlike Wrath of the gods which has no specific face or form, this death and destruction had a name. its name was Thanos and his forces.
The Mad Titan brought down all of his might on the earth’s mightiest heroes and these crusaders of justice fell like legos one after another. The entire premise was rather bleak. The electricity of anticipation at the start of infinity war was only matched by the silence of mourning after Wakanda fell and half of all life in creation became a victim to Thanos’ whims and fancies.
The Mad Titan justified his brutal act by claiming that life needed correction but the reality is that even after such correction life will continue to grow. Did the Mad Titan completely succeed in his endeavor?
Perhaps, but once we evaluate things with a long-term perspective we realize that more important than the snap itself were the consequences of the snap. And I am not just talking about the ‘dusted’ characters, but rather the dominance that Thanos asserted over the entirety of the universe by dictating how much life should be spared/ corrected.
When we talk about such things on a cosmic level, the entire premise and situation seems rather surreal but I can assure you that it is simpler than you think. You see, Thanos is a representation of a tyrannical leader who wants to impose his own image of progress on the universe.
While doing this the Mad Titan is not only harming the populace but he is also leaving them scared and oppressed. In such a situation life will not only cease to flourish but it is liable to retract to the old savage ways of existence prior to civilization itself. Fear is a strong motivator and with it people are capable of horrible things.
That is the true reason why this act of Thanos cannot be allowed to stand, why the Avengers will do everything in their power to reverse the events of infinity war and the infamous snap itself. But , as every comic fan knows, Thanos is no pushover.
On the contrary, if you want anything from the Mad Titan you will have to claim it from his cold dead hands. But killing Thanos is no joke. He is a mighty warrior capable of great feats and challenging Gods. It is not quite as simple as taking on a bunch of sentient robots.
Maybe this is the reason why we hear that some of the Avengers will loose their life come Avengers Annihilation. Most notably, it is rumored that Chris Evans’ Captain America will make his last appearance in the fourth Avengers movie.
This seems rather plausible when you consider the aforementioned facts, however, the real question is who will take over the mantle of captain America after Chris Evans’ exit. Fans have long since speculated that it would be Bucky (Winter Soldier ) or Falcon but reddit user u/mingdiot has a different idea.
For the uninformed and uninitiated, Sharon Rogers is the child of Peggy Carter and Steve Rogers from an alternate reality where Rogers was never frozen in time. This theory fits well with the entire expected premise of future of the Marvel Cinematic Universe considering that fans have constantly speculated that rather than dying in the fourth Avengers movie Chris Evans will find his way back to his own time and live a long fulfilling life with Peggy Carter.
If that is the case then it seems rather plausible that Sharon would take over the mantle of the hero in phase 4 of the MCU. Does this theory have any merit or is it just blatant speculation? A little bit of both I guess. But that does not decrease its plausibility.
Maybe it’ll be fun for the MCU to introduce a female lead into the Captain America franchise. Maybe it will act as the new interesting premise that will rejuvenate the sub-franchise come Phase 4. We can’t wait to find out. Avengers Annihilation comes out May 4, 2019, up until then keep watching this space for everything Marvel.