Spider-Man: Homecoming Actually Had a Batman Easter Egg
So Spider-Man: Homecoming was a good movie, right? the entire premise of that movie related to how different the entire Spider-Man universe felt with Tom Holland at its center. The teen is a dedicated actor and works surprisingly well as Spider-Man, if not a very good Peter Parker (Toby Maguire’s portrayal will remain the best ). The movie showcased the return of Spider-Man to the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Since the movie rights of Spider-Man were acquired by Disney for Civil War, it was already decided that a Spider-Man solo movie was coming soon. Fans were overjoyed. Then we heard that the movie will be named Homecoming, which seemed apt given the situation.
But the most interesting part of Spider-Man: Homecoming turned out to be the villain as portrayed by Michael Keaton. Keaton took up the role of one of Spider-Man’s most notorious villains from the comics known as Vulture aka Toomes. The crime boss/ tech genius has crafted mechanical wings using the alien technology rubble from the battle of New York and he now runs a livelihood selling weapons made out of that technology. The entire premise seems engaging. But what makes it really horrifying is the fact that Toomes is played by Michael Keaton.
The intimidating persona of the actor is very scary. After all, the man was a brilliant Batman. So brilliant in fact that the directors of the Spider-Man movie decided to include a callback to Keaton’s portrayal, as per reddit user Deathstroke it’s fan speculation.
So I noticed this Spider-Man Homecoming Batman Easter egg. I’m almost positive it’s probably been found it’s the scene where the vulture and Spider-Man first meet and Spider-Man’s chute pops out and he falls to the ground for a split second you can see Keaton’s vulture in the moon just like Batman from marvelstudios
As the fan points out the scene does seem to have an uncanny resemblance to the Dark Knight of Gotham. But Keaton’s character in the old Batman movies never flew so high, did he ? the premise seems rather thin for this fan speculation. Although I have to agree that the snapshot looks incredible, but maybe the scene is much more of a reference to the ‘Vulture’ that a snarky callback to ‘Batman’.
Toomes was a pretty intimidating guy in Homecoming, add on the incredible technology and he became downright scary ( this is not accounting for the fact that he was also the parent of the girl Peter had fell for. Jesus man, find a better crush. Plus we always knew that the Spider-Man was in no real danger because doesn’t do lasting stakes. I wonder what the directors thought when the CGI artists finalized the above-mentioned scene. I wonder how Keaton reacted to the finished cut.
It must be fun for the actor to get remembered for playing a badass hero even when he’s actually portraying the big bad in a Spider-Man movie. I mean of course there is a massive fan following for Batman, but Peter Parker will always have a soft corner in the hearts of the comic fandom no matter how badass we think Batman is. The fight between an aged Batman and Spider-Man would be a sight to see, but we have to settle for Keaton/ Vulture vs Spider-Man.
Spider-Man: Homecoming did the villain right, no questions asked. The entire plot of the movie revolved as much around Toomes as it did around Peter. Both characters received a prologue and a symbolic end to their character arcs. I wonder what the next installment has in store for us in this Spider-Man franchise. The Marvel Cinematic Universe has grown bigger than we could’ve ever hoped for, I wonder what the creative heads are planning now. Kevin Feige, is after all, a man with an exemplary vision.
It is entirely possible that the character of Spider-Man becomes incredibly important once Stark and Rogers take their leave after Avengers 4. If the Marvel Cinematic Universe does decide to go the route of permanent deaths and if they plan to replace their cast completely, then Spider-Man could be the flagbearer of this new initiative by the Marvel Cinematic Universe. If Peter Parker is pushed to the center stage then the entire premise of the universe in which we currently dwell could change drastically. I wonder what the next few years will bring to this story of superheroes.
Spider-Man far from home is coming soon, and Avengers 4 will hit theatres in May 3, 2019, preceded by Captain Marvel herself. Which Marvel movie are you the most excited about. Tell us in the comments below.