The moment for the DC fans to shine came and went in a flash. Despite enormous hype created by the studio and fans that JL will finally redeem DCEU and bring glory to the otherwise amazing comic-book universe, the movie was fairly disappointing. Although, there were critics and websites who displayed their biased opinion and trashed the movie which was not the case at all.
It was yet another DCEU box-office dud in a long line of financial failures such as Man of Steel, Batman v Superman and Suicide Squad. Warner Bros. Studios were sure that the League will succeed where the rest of its productions failed miserably. Justice League was supposed to be DC Extended Universe’s redemption and its most prized possession after Wonder Woman.
But where the latter was actually universally accepted, Justice League was again damned to the fan-critic divide curse. The people loved it, the critics didn’t. The critical denouncement was the reason the movie fared so poorly at the Box Office. Both the DCEU and the studio suffered. The damage to Justice League’s collections in theaters was catastrophic.
Batman vs. Superman was the very definition of a fan-critic divide. It was a defining moment for the DCEU’s dark take on things. Taking no leaf from Marvel’s kid-friendly spoon-fed approach to movie making, Snyder made a movie that was so dark and realistic that most men were uncomfortable watching it by the time the credits rolled.
The movie was thrashed by the viewers for ‘being too real’. The same goes for Man of Steel. Superman had never been portrayed as a killer. Snyder broke the mold and thus the movie was panned by all.
Wonder Woman is the only movie of DCEU till date that has been a favorite among all audiences, critics and fans included. Justice League was supposed to carry the torch that Wonder Woman so wonderfully lit. But alas, given the gigantic expectations from the movie, it fell way short of it.
Most people were of the opinion that the movie would easily cross the 1 billion mark. It took its entire theatrical run for it to cover even half of that. And that is taking into account both Domestic and Overseas figures.
Part of the reason Justice League suffered economically was that of the incessant meddling of the Studio in the director’s activities. The original cut of the movie was over 3 hours which had detailed explanations of origin stories of characters like Aquaman, Cyborg, and Flash. But due to studio’s obsession with short 2 hour movies, there were massive edits and cuts that were done before the release.
The greatest tragedy of the movie was that some of the top-notch visual effects or work done by VFX team behind the scenes was systematically edited from the final print. For instance, Batman’s computers inside the Batcave and other cool tech used for his tactical automobile; Barry Allen’s gadgets or stunning pieces of tech for Cyborg. Moreover, the movie never offered a better look at Star Labs where Victor Stone was saved and Cyborg was created.
Blind Ltd., a corporation that worked on the UI for Rogue One, Star Wars: The Force Awakens, Nolan’s Dark Knight trilogy, and Justice League. Their work is just incredible and it’s a shame that it as ignored and not used to the full potential by WB. They were never given the creative freedom and autonomy they deserved.
Snyder’s vision was clear cut and crystal, but the studio never paid any heed to his words. They dictated his terms to him and forced him to work along those lines. Replacing Snyder with ‘The Avengers’ director Whedon did not help at all. He forced complete reshoots of entire scenes and deleted several to make an abomination of a final cut.
And one of those scenes deleted from the theatrical version was enough to shiver your whiskers. We are not at all joking. It is so freaking awesome that we are still not sure why a seasoned director like Whedon ordered it to be thrown out of the final version. What was he thinking?!?!? Did he not want the movie to succeed??
Do you know what scene we are talking about?? If no then we shall help you know.
Reddit user Stanley the has shared an image from one of the deleted scenes that feature in the BluRay version that was deleted from the theatrical cut. The scene shows Bruce Wayne and Arthur Curry sharing screen space – the scene from the village bar where Batman first meets Aquaman.
It shows Bruce Wayne playing the rich spoilt billionaire brat he is and trying to bribe the Aquaman, King of the seven seas to join the Justice League.
Fans have been begging the WB Studios for a Snyder Cut in the Bluray release. But the hopes of that happening look bleaker as each day passes by. But that does not mean the digital release won’t feature deleted scenes. A lot of Snyder scenes will be included in the Bluray cut.
Even some of the scenes directed by James Wan will be featured in the digital release. The James Wan scenes will explore more of Aquaman and his history with the underwater Kingdom of Atlantis.
Will this scene find its way to the DVD release? Don’t look at us. We are just as hopeful as you are. But there were a lot of scenes that were excluded. It would be a real joy to see them for once, the way our main man Snyder envisioned it. A director’s cut is the hope of every diehard DCEU fan. Make it happen WB Studios!!!
Justice League stars Ben Affleck (Batman), Gal Gadot (Wonder Woman), Henry Cavill (Superman), Ray Fisher (Cyborg), Ezra Miller (The Flash) and Jason Momoa (Aquaman) as the titular superheroes. Watch out for the DVD/ Bluray releases. Coz it will be AWESOME!!! Hopefully, someday WB will release Snyder’s original cut.
WB released two synopsis for the movie, the old one focused on the Batman as he took the initiative of putting together an elite team of superheroes to protect mankind from Steppenwolf.
Here’s the old synopsis of JL:
“In Justice League, fueled by his restored faith in humanity and inspired by Superman’s selfless act, Bruce Wayne enlists the help of his newfound ally, Diana Prince, to face an even greater enemy. Together, Batman and Wonder Woman work quickly to find and recruit a team of meta-humans to stand against this newly awakened threat. But despite the formation of this unprecedented league of heroes—Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and The Flash—it may already be too late to save the planet from an assault of catastrophic proportions”.
The new synopsis put Wonder Woman at the center as she is the most powerful member of the JL in the absence of Superman. Here’s the description:
“Once again, Wonder Woman must demonstrate her ability as a fierce warrior. Facing a great enemy, she and Batman join forces to recruit a group of meta-humans to stand against this newly awakened threat. Having formed an unprecedented League of heroes, they set out to save the planet from an assault of catastrophic proportions.”
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