
Vision Sport A Smart New Look In Avengers 4 That Will Blow Your Senses

Marvel Cinematic universe will massively expand to over 70 comic-book characters who will appear in Avengers Infinity War movies, setting off a kind of competition among every major character wanting to get more screen time. Many superheroes and villains will be literally jostling for space and time in the magnum-opus due to release in 2018.

The classic comic-book story will remain the same where Thanos first locate all the mind gems, they are in the possession of all the elders of the universe in Marvel comics, but in the cinematic universe Vision has a mind gem in his head, and he clearly isn’t an elder of the universe. In Avengers Infinity War, he will assemble all the gems and create an all-powerful Infinity gauntlet, cause a major catastrophe and then in Avengers 4, Team Avengers and Guardians of the Galaxy would unite and fight Mad Titan to save the realm.

Paul Bettany took to social media and shared a new photo of Vision in full costume. It was captured by Mark Ruffalo (Hulk) while he was catching up on some paperwork. He is wearing glasses over an elaborate Vision makeup.  This is the best look of Vision we have had for Avengers 4. The image also has motion capture dots on his face.

Vision is literally god with a vibranium-laced body and a synthetic soul. He was programmed by Tony Stark and Bruce Banner using J.A.R.V.I.S codes, activated by the mind-gem hidden inside the Loki Scepter. He is not really an AI, he is more a Cybernetic creature who yearns to be more human. He would prefer to be more man than machine. He believes loyalty comes from love. He is made from the same source from where powers of Scarlett Witch is originated.

“I think there is something unique in the fact that her powers come from the same things that powers him. That’s how we have made them specifically in common. As opposed to comics which has created a pure romance”.

In Captain America Civil War, we saw Vision playing neutral in the beginning until he started advocating for reasonable restraint on the unlimited, unchecked powers of groups like Avengers. He tried his best to bring both sides together, but Steve Rogers ruled out any possibility of reconciliation. On the other hand, Scarlett Witch joined Team Captain America and took control of Vision’s body. The romantic relationship they began in Avengers: Age of Ultron turned a little sour, but still, both share incredible chemistry.

In comic-book universe, she has an intimate relationship with Vision and even had two kids. The mind-gem is the source which connects them in a way that Vision is new to this world, unaware of what suffering is and could provide emotional solace to her who has just lost her brother. But Thanos will come for Vision as he needs the mind gem to complete the Infinity Gauntlet, he will rip it from his head and we may get a version of “No Mutants” storyline in Marvel universe. Scarlett Witch powers have grown and she has the ability to change reality, loss of Vision may drive her over the edge and wreak terrible havoc. She went crazy in comics at the loss of her children in comics.

In a recent interview with Collider, Paul Bettany dropped a bombshell and said it may not be the case. He said:

“It felt like the biggest movie that I’ve ever made and will ever make, and we’ve still got to make the next one. It’s f****** crazy!… The call sheets are bananas. When you see the list of cast members, you’re like, “How is anybody else making a film in Hollywood, this year? How are they getting films financed? Everybody is in this!””

He used the phrase “we’ve still got to make the next one”, ‘we’ includes him which means he may be reprising the role of Vision in Avengers 4. It’s definitely a subtle hint and not a direct confirmation. Some people believe that Marvel shouldn’t make it too obvious for fans to figure out who will survive and who won’t, they should take fans by surprise.


There are two possibilities where Vision is left standing after Thanos come for him – Firstly, he loses the Infinity gem and is left critically injured but still surviving. Secondly, he outsmarts the Black Order and manages to escape. Recently, when Josh Brolin was asked if he would succeed in his mission to collect all the Infinity Gems, he said:

“There’s a few Infinity Stones in ‘Infinity War’, and he’s always pining to get another one in there. So ultimately we don’t know. I haven’t done the second movie, so I don’t know.”


Bettany recently came to Wizard World Comic-Con in Chicago and teased storyline in a Q&A session. The fan sided shared his response, he said: “I think, for both Lizzie and I, it’s the most exciting plotline of each of us so far.”

Kevin Feige (President, Marvel Studios) thinks that it’s the culmination of the entire MCU since it started in May 2008 with the movie Iron Man. He further confirmed that there will be a crossover of Avengers and Guardians in Infinity War which will continue in the next Avengers movie.

Well, there is certainly huge potential in these characters and Marvel will surely tap it in the upcoming movies in phase 3 and 4. CHEERS!

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Anuj Aggarwal

A Voracious reader. An explorer. An Intellectual. A Die hard fan of Leonardo dicaprio and a Game of Thrones fanatic. Love to dabble in different things at the same time - Politics, International Cinema, History, Music, Literature etc. Welcome you all...
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