
10 Most Controversial Movies of All Time

Making a movie is a Herculean task, there are tons of obstacles that can derail a movie, and it can happen at any point in time. Here are 10 movies that made to big screens which will offend your sentiments particularly if you are religious.

1) The Wolf of Wall Street

the-wolf-of-wall-streetThe Wolf of Wall Street is a twisted ode to extravagance and crowded with morally reprehensible conduct. The movie underwent massive cuts in order to be deemed appropriate for showing in some countries. Despite the controversies, the movie did well at the box office and won a slew of trophies.

2) The DaVinci Code

sophie-and-robert-wallpaper-the-da-vinci-code-2725707-1024-768There are some stories which filmmakers should not mess with. The idea is that they are passed from generation to generation, and from religion to religion. When Ron Howard brought the movie to the big screen, some audience argued that the film was an attack, and spreading misinformation on a massive scale. Countries like Egypt, Pakistan, and The Philippines banned this movie as it allegedly promoted blasphemy.

3) Jaws

52c9822c-ecb7-4d15-8fa2-66a461c2836cJaws is a movie that came dangerously close to not getting made. Shot during the age of practical effects, the entire production revolved around three robotic sharks named Bruce that were high maintenance. It drew criticism from animal rights activists and oceanic conservators. You will not see the ocean again in the same way after watching this insane thriller.

4) Apocalypse Now

apocalypse-now movies

The filming of Apocalypse Now was so out of control that the documentary about how the movie was made is almost more interesting than the film itself. A typhoon destroyed parts of the set, forcing delays in the production. It portrayed very disturbing elements of Vietnam War that shocked the people.

5) The Exorcist

exorcist-1-1050x591-1The Exorcist has an effect on everyone who discovers it. For the cast and crew, that meant enduring more than a few extreme circumstances. Studio Bigwigs were convinced that the movie would fail and was constantly threatening to pull the plug, but somehow it survived. When it was released in 1973, audiences have never experienced anything like this before.  They vomited, fainted, in hysterics because of what they were seeing on the screen. Some of the critics’ reviews were as follows: “a chunk of elegant occultist claptrap” “A practically impossible film to sit through” “it establishes a new low for grotesque special effects…”, “The Exorcist succeeds on one level as an effectively excruciating entertainment, but on another, deeper level it is a thoroughly evil film, and nothing more than a religious porn film”.

6) Battlefield Earth

It is a very controversial take on origins of humans from the point of view of Scientology myths. It was dubbed as a piece of propaganda and also failed as a film. John Travolta once said he would love to make a Battlefield sequel and we hope and pray that never happens.

7) Stigmata

It was highly controversial with the way it dealt with the elements of Catholicism and its issues. The Roman Catholics consider stigmata as a sign of holiness, while in the film it seems to be demonically possessed which is just insane.

8) Dogma

The movie was a satire on Catholic beliefs and was perceived to have an anti-Christian message. It invited huge protests and director Kevin Smith even received death threats.

9) Water

Directed by Deepa Mehta. The movie was a controversial take on elements and aspects of Hinduism. It offended the religious sentiments so much that 2000 people ransacked the film sets caused producers’ major losses. As a result, they had to film Water in Srilanka. Finally, Water was nominated for Best Foreign Film Category in 2007.

10) The Passion of the Christ

The movie was based on the last days of Jesus Christ and invited massive protests from all sides. Apparently, Jews felt that the movie was anti-semitic in nature while Catholics complained that it didn’t rely solely on Bible for its plot. Mel Gibson on being asked about the controversies about the movie being anti-Jew, he said “It’s not meant to. I think it’s meant to just tell the truth. I want to be as truthful as possible. New York Times wrote against the film and called Gibson’s publicist a “Holocaust denier defender”.

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Anuj Aggarwal

A Voracious reader. An explorer. An Intellectual. A Die hard fan of Leonardo dicaprio and a Game of Thrones fanatic. Love to dabble in different things at the same time - Politics, International Cinema, History, Music, Literature etc. Welcome you all...
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