The next X-Men movie lined up is X-Men: Dark Phoenix or X-Men 7 which revolves around Jean Grey’s transformation into a powerful, cosmic creature. She is played by Sophie Turner (Sansa Stark in Game of Thrones). Fans are rejoicing as its one of the most iconic X-Men storylines ever conceived by Marvel comics. The movie will be directed by Simon Kinberg.
In 1976, an acclaimed X-Men writer Chris Claremont who enjoys strong female characters wrote ‘Phoenix saga’ centered around Jean Grey. The idea was to create a first female cosmic superhero who could be integrated into the mutant universe.
In the plot, Jean Grey almost killed by solar energy, transformed into something else, she donned the mantle of fire and defeated the ruthless alien Emperor. She merged with Phoenix force, could hold entire timelines in her hands and destroyed Apocalypse. In a shocking turn of events, she turned on X-Men and then consumed an entire star, committing atrocities by the millions and thus the name Dark Phoenix.
Many other powerful mutants such as Mystique, Prof. Xavier, Magneto, Beast etc. are returning to reprise their roles. In addition to them, Evan Peters who plays Quick Silver is confirmed to join the cast.
Olivia Munn recently revealed in her Snapchat post that she is currently in Montreal, which basically means Psylocke (a telepathic and telekinetic mutant) is also coming back. If that was not enough, the new images of actor Tye Sheridan (who played young Cyclops in X-Men: Apocalypse) have surfaced. He is wearing a new classic visor on the set which was worn by James Marsden in X-Men 2 but with a smaller design. The new visor suggests that he would have better control of his powers as 9 years have passed after the events of Apocalypse.
The movie is slated to release on Nov 2, 2018.
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