The superhero genre may be the most underused genre in film. This is because the genre has a formula that works for it, no matter who the character might be. But due to its formulaic nature, it has often been undermined as being forgettable to many movie critics. But we have entered a new age in the genre that may be breaking new grounds that superhero fans have only hoped to happen and it may begin with Fox’s Logan.
Christopher Nolan’s Batman trilogy was a pioneer in the world of superhero movies. Not only did the filmmaker depict the world, much like comics it was based on, it also showcased the emotional depth that comic characters have. Heath Ledger made a career-changing performance as The Joker, which earned him an Oscar and also left a strong impression in the minds of everyone who watched The Dark Knight.
Logan seems to be heading down that route, shunning the typical tropes in exchange for a movie that is more character oriented. The movie’s early screening for critics has already earned itself great reviews, one that echoes more on the film’s quality than its accessories (special effects, action etc). Ryan Reynolds even told Variety that it could be an Oscar contender. “‘Logan’ looks like a movie that might break that glass ceiling,” Reynolds said.“I know first-hand that it’s amazing. I’ve seen some of it. It’s mind-blowing. It relies a lot on character.”
Director James Mangold has a film history of making a character-driven movie like Walk The Line, the biopic about Johnny Cash (whose song “Hurt” was also used in Logan’s trailer).The director had said in an interview with Flick And the City that the film was “a powerful drama about interesting characters.”The director also said the “goal to make a movie that earned its audience through feeling real. Really feeling human or feeling intimate.” A sentiment that may indicate that Logan will indeed break new grounds for superhero movies in the future.