Recently, an image was released by Marvel studios which pointed to the possibility of Doctor Doom brought into the MCU. But mysteriously it was deleted by the Russo Brothers (who are going to direct Avengers Infinity War). The movie will be populated with major Marvel villains, so it’s not impossible to think that we may see Doom in the movie. Although, it’s very unlikely that this speculation is true.
In Marvel comic world, Tony Stark may formally endorse Riri Williams in the Invincible comics to don the mantle and continue his good work, as Doom can’t be trusted to honor his legacy. She is a Black teenager, a science prodigy who went to MIT on a scholarship at the age of 15, reverse-engineered Iron man suit in her dorm room and came to the attention of Tony Stark through an AI. She is speculated to make her debut in Iron Man 4 as well. In comics, Tony Stark’s personal life is imploding as he came to know about the fact that Howard Stark is not his real father, War Machine has just died, Starks Industries is bankrupt, an inhuman is on the loose and Team Avengers doesn’t trust him.
Further, it has recently been revealed the identity of a new Infamous Iron Man and he is one of the most dangerous villains of Marvel comics – Doctor Doom. He had a brief stint as God during “Secret wars”, but he returned in Brian Michael’s Invincible Iron Man for possible redemption. Marvel’s text for the first issue says that “the greatest villain of the Marvel Universe will try something new. Where Tony Stark failed, Doom will succeed. What is Doom’s Master Plan?” Well, Doctor Doom is now Iron Man in the Infamous comics which is reminiscent of Norman Osborne during old civil war pillaged Iron Man facilities and became Iron Patriot.
Could Doctor Doom finally be done on a big screen? Will this also open gates for X-Men and Fantastic Four being brought into MCU? Time will tell.