Arrow Season 5: A Shocking Twist In The Artemis Storyline
I consider myself as one of the biggest Arrow fans which is why I was very disappointed to see the finale of season 4 where the show-makers defied logic and reason to put away Damien Darhk. For instance, nobody knows how those 1,500 missiles up in the air disappeared just like that. I was ready to bury the hatchet and was all fired up about the new season of CW’s Arrow. But something struck me and didn’t add up, I thought to myself – Have the makers also forgotten what they showed to the audience in season 4?
In the episode 19th of Season 4 titled “Canary Cry”, the show-makers introduced a new character called Evelyn Sharp (it’s Evelyn Crawford in DC Comics) who donned the mantle of Black Canary in order to take revenge from Damien Darhk and Ruve Darhk for the murder of her family. She single-handedly took down the CCPD security detail of Mayor Ruve Darhk, outsmarted the entire Team Arrow and was ready to pull the trigger on the mayor until Green arrow pleaded her to stop as this is not something Black Canary would have wanted. She was first introduced as part of New 52 series titled “Birds of Prey” as an old friend of Laurel. In comics, she is the daughter of super-villains Tigress and Sportsmaster and a member of Injustice society. In DC animated series “Young Justice”, she became Green Arrow’s sidekick after Roy Harper left Team Arrow.
Madison McLaughlin reprised her role as a troubled teen Evelyn, but this time she is not impersonating Black Canary instead she has forged her own identity as a masked archer known as Artemis. She is now a member of new Team Arrow but the most surprising part was that she is shown to be a weak rookie who ain’t initiated to take on bigger challenges. This made me thing how is this even possible? She made everyone believe that Black Canary is alive as she was that good. She is a darker version of Black Canary, rather than Laurel Lance who was a lawyer first and vigilante later. Well, I feel vindicated now as she has totally outplayed Team Arrow and is actually a mole planted by Prometheus. No wonder, he was soft on her when she pretended to take him on. This is just WOW!