
Here’s Everything You Need To Know About Justice League Villain

Batman Vs Superman: Dawn of Justice, left the audience with a lot of questions dangling in the air. Even with the extended version, the curiosity was further spiked. This was especially true when we saw Lex Luthor communing with the Kryptonian Scout Ship. Big question – who was Lex communing with?


Well, we’ve been doing our little research and here’s what we found out – this is the second big bad villain Steppenwolf, who would make his appearance in the next Justice League movie. From what we know, by introducing this scene Zack Synder laid some pretty strong grounds for the introduction of the villain.

For all those who are unaware – Steppenwolf is from the planet Apokolips’s and is the uncle of Darkseid. A military leader, and the brother of Heggra. The signature weapon used by Steppenwolf is an Electro-Axe, often used for invasions.

justice league villain

Steppenwolf was initially killed off on Earth by DC during pre-Flashpoint, by the terror Titans. Steppenwolf was popularly known to lead the army by the name of Darkseid on Earth during the Apokolips War. He was also known to kill Wonder Woman and Superman in the attack against him until Batman sacrificed his life to send his army back through Boom Tubes.


Taking control of a small town by the name of Dherain, he had strong plans to conquer the world. Eventually, Steppenwolf was killed by ‘Brutaal’ moments after defeating world army.

The only reason Steppenwolf is back is to collect the three Mother Boxes which found their way into Earth. The three Mother Boxes were created by Apokoliptic scientist and are known to be amongst the most powerful artifacts.


It would be fun to watch Steppenwolf go through all three realms of DC Universe to acquire all three boxes. The three Mother Boxes being in possession of the Amazons, the Atlanteans, and the humans. We know there is a very strong connection with the Mother Boxes and Cyborg, and we can relatively see Cyborg play an important role in the upcoming Justice League movie.


It would be quite interesting to see how Justice League plans to fight against Steppenwolf and the army of Parademons before we finally see the Darkseid. The plotline just keeps getting interesting.

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