Black Panther made his debut in the big Marvel cinematic universe in the Captain America Civil war movie, played by famous actor Chadwick Boseman. Marvel studios recently signed Ryan Coogler (of Creed fame) to direct the Black Panther solo movie, he will be the first ever Black person to have got such an opportunity from Marvel. We know that the leadership of T’Challa as King of Wakanda will be challenged when two major Marvel villains join forces to take him down. These two villains are Erick Killmonger to be played by Michael B. Jordon and most likely Ulysses Klaus who was last seen in Avengers: Age of Ultron.
Black Panther or T’Challa, son of King Ta-Shaka (the deceased father), went after Winter soldier to settle his personal score. He is a brilliant strategist, scientist, tactician with a hybrid fighting style incorporating acrobatics and animal mimicry. He wears a suit made of vibranium (world’s strongest metal) which is used to make Captain America’s Shield as well. He is also called as “King of the dead” in latest marvel comics, which gives him access to all the experiences and wealth of knowledge of the previous Black Panthers.
In the latest interview with CBR, Chadwick Boseman said “It’s funny, because, on one hand, the Marvel movies that I’ve liked the most are the ones that are funny. I love Ant-Man. But for me, most of the time the darker superhero movies are the ones that I gravitate towards, that I love the most. So I’m glad that I’m not in an Ant-Man. I’m glad that the tone of [Black Panther] may be a little grittier. I just wanted to establish that from the beginning, that that’s what we were doing. That that’s what I intend to do. I feel like we’ll end up in a place that I’ve always wanted to be when I look at superhero movies. Those are the ones I like the most. It’s exciting to do that.”
Further, he said “I feel the energy. The image itself opens people’s minds up. You can talk about it all you want, you can have it in a comic book, you can even do an animated series, but when you see real people doing it, it changes something inside of you. It’s going to be a big deal because there’s not just Black people or people of African descent that want to see it, I think everybody wants to see it. That’s the beautiful thing. I truly believe there are more people who want to see it than don’t want to see it, especially after being here.”
He sounds very confident about the fact that this new grittier and darker tone will impress Marvel fans and will take MCU to another level. And I agree with him.