Every movie that we see, has a history attached to it. With a lot happening behind the scenes. Some good, some not so good. Every movie has a back story, we just need to tap in and see what makes a great movie. For instance, it took more than 100 retakes to shoot an interrogation scene between Batman and Joker in The Dark Knight.
X-Men really had to go through a lot of Laws
To get the distinction of being Non-Human Mutants. In 1994, Tony Biz and Marvel went to court, suggesting that X-Men action figures were non-human monsters rather than human dolls.
Simple reason – money factor – Human dolls were taxed more than non-human dolls.
A single sentence by Marvel lawyers that stated – “These characters can’t be human: Beast is blue! And Wolverine has scary claws!”
With this law, the Judge proclaimed all Marvel heroes as non-humans; including Steve Rogers, Peter Parker, Tony Stark etc. Pretty much satisfying the greed of Marvel, in the eye of the law they are all inhuman monsters.
Wall Street – a chance for Jordan Belfort to hype himself
This Wall Street criminal, he swindled $110 million from 1,513 innocent people in the ’90s.
Giving him a cameo, as himself in the movie The Wolf of Wall Street. Where we see him in a monolog as a “bad motherfucker” and “the world’s greatest sales trainer.”
It might come as a surprise, but that scene did actually happen in real life. Where Belfort held the training seminars. People ended up paying $500 to attend the seminar and some even went on to purchase $2,400, a 10-CD, 10-DVD kit. Showing people how to rip others off the way Belfort did
This National Park was disrupted by Mad Max: Fury
Namib Desert in Africa being the perfect location for this movie, where there was no vegetation for miles and there was water scarcity.
(To get this scene right in the first place, 14 lizards were burned.)
This place is said to be 50-80 million years old, packed with a rare species of cacti and endangered reptiles. The Namib Desert is said to have less than half an inch of rain each year. Where most of the animals and plants survive of moisture and fog.
While shooting for the movie, the tire tracks removed any last loose vegetation in the Desert. As the tire tracks effect the diaspora of water. With this, the last bit of delicate vegetation got ripped off.
Hunger Games and the known Tie-Ins
On a late night, while watching TV Suzanne Collins came across the idea for the movie. When she was switching channels between Iraq War and a reality game show, this is when the idea occurred.
With the Capitols obsession of superficial beauty and bad treating towards the poor. With this we get to see few tie-in ads like Subway with its Fiery Footlong, the Capitol makeup collection and finally the Dodge Ad which literally runs before any YouTube video starts.
My Fair Lady – the dubbed voice of Audrey Hepburn
Tawk loike dis, dunt shay – which means – Talk like this, doesn’t he? Is the true accent of this Cockney Actress Audrey Hepburn. While the lead actor, Henry Higgins is a true English gentleman.
Being a wonderful actress, Audrey did not have the skills of a singer. Trying her best to sing the songs, Audrey’s voice was replaced by Marni Nixon.
The production team said, after the end of each day Audrey would stay back and rehearse the songs on stage, trying to sing the song in her voice. Well so much for it. The final cut did seem great.