Jeremy Renner has played Hawkeye in major Marvel superhero movies, but not even once would you feel that you will miss something had he not been there. He is a sidekick and will always be one. He doesn’t have super-powers like Iron-man or Captain America, he is an average Joe next door. He is as straight as an arrow, and he doesn’t have layers upon layers. Captain America Civil War tried to humanize him by showing us his family background and how he is sacrificing his personal life for the greater good. But still he doesn’t fit in this world of super-powered people, he faces direct competition from DC’s archer Green Arrow and we know that’s not even a fight.
According to credible sources, it has come to our attention that apparently Jeremy Renner was so upset and annoyed by the treatment of Hawkeye in the first Avengers movie that he actually started campaigning for killing off the character for good. As a result, he got more storyline and character arc in the Civil war. He is not against the character, as only recently he expressed his willingness to be part of a standalone original TV series based on the character of Hawkeye, which he has portrayed multiple times in MCU. He said to the media “I’ve really enjoyed getting to explore the character more recently. The Netflix model is where all the character drama goes to now, you’re doing a superhero movie or a Netflix or HBO kind of model. So I’d be open to it.”
The Marvel fans would rather have Black widow solo movie as its rival DC has already announced Wonder-woman standalone movie. Maybe, it would have been better if Marvel had killed him off and re-introduced Hawkeye into the Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D universe like Agent Coulson as one of the special agent working in an elite task force. What do you think?