
The Fastest Man Alive Races the Son of Superman. Who will Win?

The fastest man alive has a long way to go. Grant Gustin who plays The Flash on CW adorably raced and lost to The Atom actor Brandon Routh’s son Leo.

“Leo beat me in a race today. I wasn’t ready,” Gustin wrote next to video of the moment on social media. Routh, who also played the Man of Steel in Bryan Singer’s Superman Returns, responded, “When your dad is #Superman & #TheAtom, but you heart #TheFlash…HUGE props to the crazy talented and genuinely kind [Grant Gustin] for being such a great sport!”

Watch the video below:

The Fastest Man Alive made Leo’s day special by racing and losing to the sparky youngster. Now Leo can flaunt among his friends that he’s The Fastest Boy Alive!

“Epic shoot day on location. C. Kim Miles shot what will be 2 amazing sequences. The high point for me was losing to Leo,” Grant Gustin wrote. “He did get a slight head start though. And I think my leg cramped up a little. Also I think I had the wrong boots on.”

Leo’s father, who stars on DC’s Legends of Tomorrow, had this to say: “When your dad is #Superman & #TheAtom, but you heart #TheFlash…😜 HUGE props to the crazy talented and genuinely kind @grantgust for being such a great sport!”

The Flash show-makers have added Tom Felton a.k.a Draco Malfoy from the Harry Potter into the ensemble cast of season 3. According to TVLine, he will be playing Julian Dorn who is a Central City Police Department crime scene investigator who doesn’t trust the high regard in which everyone holds Barry Allen. He is a slightly older, slightly geekier officer, a guy who is as smart as intuitive who doesn’t buy Barry’s nice guy routine while keeping some secrets of his own.  He will debut in the first few episodes itself and he will be a series regular. He would have a lot of time to connect the dots and unravel the Barry Allen’s secret identity.

The Flash season 3 will premiere on the CW network, Oct 4, 8 p.m.

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