
8 Witty Statements From Sherlock Only Benedict Cumberbatch Could Pull Off!

SHERLOCK is one series that we all love. People with brains understand it way too well and fall even more in love with it. Here are a few statements that we know no one could slay better than Benedict Cumberbatch.


I’m Not A Psychopath Anderson, I’m A High Functioning Sociopath. Do Your Research.

Sentiment Is A Chemical Effect Found On The Losing Side.

It’s The New Sexy.

Why Can’t People Just Think?

Alone Is What I Have. Alone Protects Me.

I May Be On The Side Of The Angels But Don’t Think For One Second That I Am One Of Them.


I Am A Consulting Detective. The Only One In The World.

What Is The Point In Being Clever If You Can’t Prove It?

Shubhrika Dogra

Shubhrika is an emotional person and portrays that in her words. She is a coffee lover and hence an intrigued writer. She loves to play with words and twist them as much as she can, that is her way of writing. But mostly, she loves creating suspense in her writing. She would never let the real story come out until the last part of her writings. Writing is her life and her heartbeat.
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