GoT: Who was Areo Hotah?
Game of Thrones Season 6 is already giving us an edge of the seat thrill. The first episode set the pace for the current season by finishing of House Martell. Personally, I disagree with the shows’ vision for finishing of Martells’ and leaving a giant gap in the Dornish storyline. As many of the fans saw, in season 5 and season 6, Prince Doran had a personal bodyguard by the name of Areo Hotah. Now, nothing much had been highlighted about him by the show. We bring to you the story of Areo Hotah and how the show couldn’t bring his character out more significantly than they should have!
Areo Hotah is from Norvos, a Free Northern City. He was trained by bearded priests and was a guardsman of Lady Mellario. When Lady Mellario married Prince Doran, he entered the service of House Martell. He eventually became the captain of Prince Doran’s guard and accompanied him to Water Gardens, when the Prince’s health started deteriorating.
At the age of sixteen, he took a vow to serve, obey and protect and wedded his axe. In a scene, Doran asks Areo if he still remembers how to use his long axe.
When Areo confronts Jaime Lannister he lets him pass, saying that it would have been a good fight if Jaime had his hand to fight. No, this is Jaime Lannister we are talking about, the best swordsman in all of the Westeros.
But the show did injustice to Areo Hotah and the whole of the House Martell. Areo Hotah was back-stabbed by the Sand-Snakes. He was a brilliant warrior and like that in a matter of a split-second, Areo Hotah was down and with him House Martell.
At this point, we can only say that the TV show is more brutal than G.R.R. Martin as Areo Hotah and Doran are still alive in the books. The show-makers decided to finish off Martells’, whether it was a wise decision or not, only the future episodes will tell!