Improve your Cooking Knowledge with 5 Tips you Can Use in the Kitchen
The internet is full of recipes that can easily help you prepare a wide variety of meals. However, the results aren’t always fulfilling. Why? Because even cooking implies a little bit of chemistry and not taking small things into consideration may result in a not that perfect meal. Here are some tricks that you can use to improve your cooking skills.
Hard or soft boiled egg?
As insignificant as it may seem, boiling a perfect egg in the morning may be a debate subject. Some people prefer hard boiled eggs, while others prefer them soft but not few are the moments when they get what they didn’t expect. The secret is good timing. For instance, in order to obtain a perfect soft boiled egg, you should firstly take the eggs out of the fridge half an hour before putting them to boil in order to reach the room temperature. You need to place the eggs into the water before it starts to boil then leave them for another 4 minutes. On the other hand, if you prefer to serve your eggs hard boiled, you should place them in water from the moment you put the water on the stove. After the water starts to boil, just leave them for another 8 minutes. In order to peel their shell easily, you should leave the eggs into cold water for several minutes after taking them for the stove.
Homemade mayo
For those of you who are fed up with supermarket mayo and have discovered the secret of the homemade one, here’s a tip for when you’re about to accidentally ruin it while preparing it. The fact is that preparing mayonnaise usually requires a lot of patience. When the mayo “breaks” (when the emulsion starts to look like a curdled mess), don’t panic. You can add some drops of water or lemon and continue to stir until it fixes. You can also grab a fresh egg yolk and slowly pour the broken mayonnaise into the yolk.
Cutting the onion…without crying
Onion is maybe the most consumed vegetable on the planet. You can use it in a wide variety of dishes in order to add flavor to a meal. The only problem is that cutting it will certainly bring you to tears…literally. While some may say that the only way to cut an onion without crying is to give it to someone to cut it, others use another practical solution. From a wide range of options that may seem absurd or just made up (like putting a carrot in your nose or cutting it under water), there is one that might work perfectly: putting the onion into the fridge before cutting it. Or you can go all Jamie Oliver on it and cut it like a pro: fast and in thin slices.
Making a good coffee
Starting the day with a good cup of coffee is indispensable for most people, therefore preparing it has to be done in a proper way. Even though it might seem an easy thing to do, preparing coffee to take a little bit more than mixing coffee with water. One thing you should do is to buy quality coffee. And not just any quality coffee, but the one in grains. Nothing compares to a freshly ground cup of coffee. Last but not least, take into consideration the place you deposit your coffee as might absorb unwanted aromas if not stored properly.
What ingredients don’t expire…ever
There are few ingredients that don’t have an and expiration date. Of course that you will see the expiration date on all of them in the supermarket because producers are forced by law to do so. However, some of them will maintain their quality forever of they are properly stored. For instance, the salt will never go bad if kept in a dry and cool place. It is the same for rice and sugar. Honey is similar to sugar and bacteria, in general, don’t prefer this type of environment. It could change its consistency or color but in time.