Spider-Man: Far From Home is The First Time Anyone Refers to Carol Danvers as ‘Captain Marvel’
Since the incoming of Brie Larson’s Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel, the whole Marvel fanbase seems to be divided into two. Well, many people think that her character is filled with too much overconfidence in regards to her powers. But, some are also saying that she has to act like this because she is indeed the most powerful. Well, no matter how many differences are in there between people, one interesting thing to note is the fact that until Spider-Man: Far From Home trailer 2 released, no one called Carol by the name ‘Captain Marvel’.
In the trailer as we all know that Peter Parker asked about the status of other superheroes. That’s when, for the first time in the MCU, he spoke out the name ‘Captain Marvel’ instead of Carol Danvers. Peter Parker asks why SHIELD is not thinking about hiring Thor for the job because the elemental-powered monsters were way too powerful for him but Nick Fury replies that Thor is off-world right now, after which the next name Peter brings up is of Captain Marvel. And sadly, Agent Maria Hilla replies that she is right now ‘Unavailable’.
We all are excited for Spider-Man: Far From Home as it will have several references from Avengers: Endgame. And, we all want to get some sneak into the world of other characters obviously. With this in mind, this film is a must watch for all people. The movie will also draw the curtain of the most important phase, Phase 3 and will make way for many new entries in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
So, have you seen the trailer of ‘Spider-Man: Far From Home’? If yes, then did you notice this fact before reading this? Tell us in the comments section down below. Spider-Man: Far From Home hits the theatres on July 2, 2019.