The Flash Is Bringing 3 New Metahumans To The Show
DCEU may not be as popular as MCU on the big screen as Marvel movies are found to be more entertaining and they are more successful at the box office. Except Wonder Woman, all the other DC movies be it Man of Steel, Suicide Squad, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice or Justice League have fallen way short of massive expectations.
But on the small screen, DC is far ahead of Marvel as it has collaborated with CW to launch a series of shows based on DC characters such as Arrow, Flash, Legends of Tomorrow, Supergirl and Black Lightning. These shows have set the trend for other studios to enter into comic book genre on TV, and forced Marvel to get its act together if it wants a slice of the growing market. But still Marvel’s ‘The Defenders’ is no match to CW’s 4-night Mega crossover event.
The Arrowverse is probably the biggest Superhero shared Universe on TV as all their shows reference and ret-con each other all the time, and they even have big crossover events every year. Things happening in one show affect all others. The biggest example of this is the coming of Metahumans in The Flash.
Arrow held the reigns for two years and it introduced us to Barry Allen, the fastest man alive. This introduction brought upon us, the best show of the Arrowverse, The Flash. This show widened the scope of the Arrowverse in a big way, and the reason why this shared Universe exists is mainly because of The Flash. It brought in Metahumans and so many other things like the multiple Earths and time travel, which allowed Supergirl and the Legends to be established in the Arrowverse as well. But, at the center of everything lies Flash and the other Metahumans.
Over the span of 4 years, ever since the particle accelerator exploded in the first season of The Flash, we have seen so many Metahumans from the DC comics come into light. Some were important and stayed, while some were only there to make the show go forward. We saw a lot of these super powered beings in the last season, and since the effects of the Particle Accelerator were wearing off, this year, the show found yet another way to bring in more Metahumans.
The Thinker brought Barry back from the Speedforce, and while doing so, he exposed a bus full of individuals to Dark Matter from the Speedforce, and hence we got new Metahumans for this season. While we have explored many of these Bus Metahumans in this season, there are still 3 Metas left for us to see. According to the reports, these final 3 Bus Metas would be based on the comic book characters Null, Crucifer and possibly Folding Man.
Now, the show is looking to cast actors to play the roles of the characters based on Null, Folding Man and Crucifer. Null is a jewel thief who has the power to manipulate gravity; Folding Man is a “New Age hippie” who has the ability to travel into both the second and the fourth dimension; and Crucifer is the one that can use the bodies of other metahumans as hosts for the spirits of his fellow vampires. Here are the official character descriptions of these characters:
NULL – Female, mid 20s, African American. An accomplished jewel thief who has escaped capture for a long time. Has the ability to manipulate gravity. Sassy, but dangerous. RECURRING GUEST STAR
CRUCIFER – The leader of the Tenth Circle, Crucifer is a scarred brute who fights Breacher (Danny Trejo). No lines.
EDWIN – Male, 30s, Open Ethnicity. A hippie-type, Edwin has his life upended when he develops a power that makes him very hard to track.
Well, these villains could make the show even more interesting keeping in mind what all has been currently happening on the show. The Thinker created all these Metahumans so that he could take their powers and transfer himself from one body to another. Recently, he found a new host. In the last episode DeVoe got hold of the powers of 6 Metahumans in total as he transferred himself into the body of Becky, aka Hazard. Now his new body is the country music singer Izzy Bowen, who has the ability to unleash sound waves.
This body transferring could go on for a while as each time DeVoe takes up a new host, he brings all the powers that he has acquired from other metas including his own, and acquires the powers of the new host as well. Now these 3 new Metas could be vital assets for The Thinker. In fact Crucifer could be the biggest asset for DeVoe.
After these Three Metas are done, DeVoe might be moving towards transferring himself into the body of Ralph Dibny, since he is also a bus-meta and DeVoe has not yet made a move on him. But ultimately, the body that DeVoe may be after should be of Barry Allen himself.
Since he has a fast Metabolism, his body heals quickly, and considering DeVoe’s current condition, he may be in the need of a body like that. Just imagine, a man who has the fastest brain in the entire Universe, having all these other powers, including the powers of The Flash. He could become Invincible!
So if we assume this is actually the plan of ‘The Thinker’ as of now, how does Team Flash intend to stop him from doing this. They have tried so many times now to reach out to bus metas, warning them that their lives are at risk, that they should accept the protection of Team Flash but every time they fall prey to Thinker’s plans which are thought through till the last detail.
He is the smartest man alive for a reason and now he also has amazing meta-human powers that he stole after he transferred their consciousness into his own and became even more powerful. He is always ten steps ahead of Team Flash who have tried everything possible to thwart his next move, but as always he wins in the end.
Harry created a Cerebral Inhibitor which was supposed to suck out the powers of ‘The Thinker’ once the device is attached to his brain but he saw that coming and was prepared for it. He used Kilg%re’s technology with controlling ability to fry and disconnect the Inhibitor’s circuits, effectively destroying it. Savitar or evil Barry in a suit said in season 3 that they will come up with the idea of the Cerebral Inhibitor to take down Devoe. But the catch is he never said it actually worked.
Can Harry build a 2.0 version of Cerebral Inhibitor without the flaws that ‘The Thinker’ could exploit to his advantage? What will it take to actually stop him? What will happen if ‘The Thinker’ gets the powers of all the bus metas including Ralph Dibny? And what kind of a monster he would become if he actually steals Flash’s body too? Can he then be defeated? Will the evil villain win for the first time in ‘The Flash’? Does the TV show has the guts to go in that direction where all hope is lost, given the kind of audience the show has?
Well, we will soon find out but before that there is a dangerous meta on the loose who is about to trigger a nuclear blast in the Central city. The Flash & co are not enough to avert the disaster. Hence, the two former allies of Flash who are also speedsters – Jessie Quick and Jay Garrick (Henry Allen on Earth-3) are coming to help Team Flash to prevent a disaster and save countless lives. The official synopsis of the next episode titled “Enter Flashtime” can be read below:
“Barry, Jessie Quick and Jay Garrick slow down time when a nuclear bomb detonates in downtown Central City”.
The new episode will be aired on CW on Tuesday at 8:00 PM. Don’t miss to tune in.
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