
7 Amazing Facts You Didn’t Know About Hugh Jackman

It’s been 17 years that Hugh Jackman’s thriller and action-filled badass appearance is now sadly going to end. I know it would take some time to come over the reality of Jackman’s departure, but in every Wolverine reference, the comic book fans would only be looking forward to him. Well, he almost lost the iconic role but was reconsidered. Moreover, other famous actors were also on the list, but the impression of the character was best with Wolverine.

1) Hugh Jackman secretly likes working out.


Hugh has always gotten himself into having X-Men shape by hitting the exercise center for three hours a day and eating incline dinners like clockwork. The 6’2″ performing artist can now seat press more than 300 pounds—and once even leg-squeezed a stunning 1,000 pounds.

The genuine mystery to that etched body? Hugh concedes he genuinely appreciates working out. “I’m somebody who likes routine and train. I sort of delight when I have a structure.”

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