
Reverse Flash Explains “How Barry Allen is the Real Villain”

The show-makers dropped a major cliff-hanger at the end of the season 2 in which the Flash went back in time and actually saved his mother from the Reverse Flash, and in the process disrupting the timeline. There is now the confirmation of a version of Flashpoint comic storyline (created by Geoff Johns) on the TV show. The Flashpoint Paradox animation movie adapted comic-book series Flashpoint and remains a fan favorite. Grant Gustin revealed the title of the first episode of season 3 on his twitter handle – “Flashpoint”. He wrote “We are definitely doing this FP thing our own way. I have read Flashpoint, I have seen the amazing animated film. This will be its own thing.”


In the first few episodes, we will likely see how things are dramatically different when Barry Allen returns to the present day Central city, how he will adapt to the changing reality and eventually he will realize what a giant mistake he has committed. Remember what Prof. Wells told Barry Allen in season 1 “If you change the timeline to prevent any event from happening, time will find an equally bad occurrence to replace it.”

The Flash -- "The Trap" -- Image FLA120B_0043 -- Pictured: Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon -- Photo: Cate Cameron/The CW -- © 2015 The CW Network, LLC. All rights reserved

At the MegaCon panel, Carlos Valdes was asked about his opinion on whether Barry’s attempt to save his mother from the Reverse Flash would have an impact on the timeline. He said “All I’m going to tell you is things are going to be different, way different. Not in a bad way; I think in a really exciting way, and it’s that difference that’s going to inform Barry’s trajectory throughout the season, and I think people are going to like it. I think there’s every chance of a Flashpoint paradox.” Matt Letscher (Reverse Flash/Eobard Thawne) is a time-travel genius who understands the consequences of changing the timeline more than anyone. He thinks that Barry is being too irresponsible and selfish to put his own personal interests over the rest of us. He said in an interview “Barry is starting to get unfolded in this new timeline so he is losing memories of the previous timeline”. This means that all the adventures of season 1 & 2 have been forgotten by Barry, Cisco is a billionaire, Wally West is Kid Flash etc. But according to credible sources, Flashpoint will be resolved before a four-night DC crossover.

The season 3 of Flash will start from Oct 4, Tuesdays, 8:00 p.m. on the CW network.

Anuj Aggarwal

A Voracious reader. An explorer. An Intellectual. A Die hard fan of Leonardo dicaprio and a Game of Thrones fanatic. Love to dabble in different things at the same time - Politics, International Cinema, History, Music, Literature etc. Welcome you all...
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