
This Massive Leak From Star Wars Episode VIII Changes Everything

Millions of Star Wars fans are waiting for the next episode after the successful run of Star wars: Force awakens at the global box-office. After the horrible prequels, we really wanted to see an extremely well- directed Star Wars movie onscreen. The Force Awakens had the feel and the tone we wanted, it embraced the magic of original Star Wars movies which made us fell in love with the universe at the first place.

There are still few months before Rogue One hits theatres this Christmas. Mark Hamill, who plays Luke Skywalker took to twitter and announced the wrap date for the production. He wrote:

“It wraps on Friday July 22nd 2016 #LooseLipsSinkStarships #W8ForVIII #DontBeAHomer #PatienceMyPadawans #Rogue1Sooner”

Earlier he tweeted, “You’re right- I meant: ‘I’m out of work (FOR THE TIME BEING)’ Remember-I kept #DadVader a secret even from #Carrison!”

This landed him into a major controversy as fans perceived this as the possible death of Luke Skywalker in the eighth episode of the family saga.

According to Comicbookmovie, they have details of a very important scene between Rey and Luke. If the movie actually contains the scene, it will change everything about the Star Wars universe. [Spoilers ahead] Below is an extract from the scene:

“In the scene, Luke tells Rey that the Jedi Council became “arrogant” and that they were hiding a “secret,” which led to their demise. The old Jedi Master takes Rey’s hand and shows her a glimpse into the past. They see two children playing near a tree on an alien planet. The boy noticed that he had greater strength and intuition when he was closer to this tree. The girl noticed that the tree also made her brother increasingly angry. One day an argument breaks out between the children, and the boy kills the girl. The boy touches the tree and is “transformed”. He kills his parents and leaves the planet. Meanwhile, the girl is revealed to be alive, transformed by the tree as well, using her power to start the first Jedi Order.”

It points to Jedi’s origins, offer a sneak-peek into Rey’s parents. The popular theory is she is the daughter of Luke, but this seems to contradict it.  Well..I guess we have to wait till Christmas to get all the answers.

Anuj Aggarwal

A Voracious reader. An explorer. An Intellectual. A Die hard fan of Leonardo dicaprio and a Game of Thrones fanatic. Love to dabble in different things at the same time - Politics, International Cinema, History, Music, Literature etc. Welcome you all...
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