Batman v Superman Deleted Scene:
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice has opened to a mixed response if you see the Rotten Tomatoes of the world, but there is a clear disconnect between the critics and DC fans who are still going theatres to see their beloved superheroes. The movie continued to do well both domestically and on the global box-office, raking in $166 million in the US and another $254 million abroad, until now where it has actually set the record for the biggest superhero weekend decline.
Most of the people including those who wrote negative reviews for the movie praised Zack Snyder for having dared to kill off Superman following the arc of “Death of Superman” comic written by Dan Jurgens. The moral dilemma faced by Superman in the movie is should he continue to help people despite the massive collateral damage. He is summoned by the Senate committee, but before he could say anything, a bomb exploded killing innocent people, consequently loss of goodwill for Superman. So, he sacrificed himself to prove to people that he is a force of good. But the ending suggested that he is seemingly alive and probably will join the Justice league at their weakest point. He survived a nuclear attack, surely he could be brought alive using Kryptonian tech at Star Labs.
The task of Batman now is putting together a superhero team (Justice League) which is a bold move on the part of DC. The deleted scene has confirmed the big baddie of Justice League i.e Darkseid. There will be New Gods in Justice League Part 1 and 2, in fact, even Brainiac isn’t ruled out yet.