Marvel Comics Is Planning A Relaunch…. Again!!!!
Marvel Comics is planning a complete overhaul of the general continuity and a total Relaunch of their flagship issues. Their new Avengers issues are facing another reboot but the question on everyone’s mind right now is – Will the fans be ready to accept something as big as this?? Until now, Marvel Comics had already been rumored to be planning for such an event, with some major changes to the continuity that will dial down all bog major events that have happened in the Marvel Comics Universe until now. Their attempt with Legacy failed miserably. While Marvel Legacy was an attempt at replicating DC Rebirth’s approach, the Legacy Relaunch lost steam the minute it went for sale. 2015’s Secret Wars rebooted the entire Marvel Universe and left room for further story build up. DC Rebirth put DC Comics as the front-runner of comic book entertainment, the recent erratic approach of Marvel Comics’ writers to mend the timeline have resulted in Marvel falling back by miles.
While Legacy did dominate the Market Shares, it earned not even half the profit that Rebirth did. It still was interesting enough for diehard Marvel fans to get excited about. The Legacy #1 sold a record number of prints and was seen as one of Marvel’s greatest sales pitch for that year. And now it looks like, Marvel is about to shut that down too. Legacy #1 featured Aaron Johnson transitioning from his work of exploring Thor’s Pantheon to becoming the guiding beacon that shed light on the Avengers team of a million years ago. The book also showed the return of Wolverine. Logan possesses the Space Stone with him, an Infinity Gem of immense power. That arc will be played out in the Infinity Countdown story arc. The ancient avengers will soon feature in their own comics, starring their own personal adventures.
IGN has the cover for the new Relaunch of the Marvel Pantheon of Superheroes. The upcoming Avengers #1 will see Jason Aaron and Ed McGuinness spearhead the project. The issue will help several other titles and tie-ins to converge into a singular plotline after the end of the ongoing ‘No Surrender’ arc. The cover below for the Relaunch event shows ‘Marvel’s Big Three’ returning back together with some new as well as old faces.
Iron Man, Captain America and Thor return united to grace the Marvel Covers along with Black Panther, She Hulk, Doctor Strange, Ghost Rider and Captain Marvel. An event as drastic as this hasn’t been met with as warm a response by the comic book readers. This move has been credited to Marvel’s newly elected Editor-in-Chief and a number of new creative differences that followed soon after. Those differences have already affected Marvel in a big way with major writers like Brian Michael Bendis leaving for DC Comics. The problem is not the Relaunch but the fact that Marvel is hell bent on alienating its established fan base who have grown accustomed to the Legacy issues.
The Fresh Start Marvel is trying to market involves some pretty well-known guns like Iron Man and Thor along with some interesting superheroes who could finally have a chance to make it to the big leagues like Strange and Captain Marvel. Black Panther is another superhero who could become Marvel’s number one cash cow if used right. In an interview with IGN, Jason Aaron makes it clear that T’Challa will be one of their primary flag bearers while writing the story.
“I think the Big Three of the Avengers are really, really close to being the Big Four. I think Black Panther definitely deserves to be at the heart of an Avengers team like this, when you’re talking about the biggest, most iconic characters from that lineage. He has a big, big role to play, not just in this arc, but in this book going forward, and it’s really fun to be writing him again.”
The team certainly looks odd. She-Hulk is the only one that could fit. While Doctor Strange is a prominent Avenger in the comics, his appearance will be short-lived if rumors are to be trusted. T’Challa could become a heavy hitter if used right. Ghost Rider aka Robby Reyes made a name for himself in Marvel’s Agents of Shield Season 4 last year. Ghost Rider has never been an Avenger. His method of dealing with the bad guys will surely strike the wrong chord with the rest of the Avengers. It’s not every day we see a publishing giant like Marvel commits such stupid mistakes.
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