Henry Cavill Posts A Glimpse Of New Superman Costume
Superman actor Henry Cavill recently caused a stir with fans when he posted a close up picture of what looks like a black Superman suit on his Instagram account. Henry Cavill did not put an accompanying caption for his mysterious post, but fans of Superman have been quick to point out that the suit is quite similar to the all-black Superman costume as 1993’s Death and Return of Superman comics. Fans are also questioning what the costume will be used for. Many speculating that it’s sequel to Man Of Steel or the Justice League movie.
Last we saw of Superman was in Batman V Superman: Dawn Of Justice where it looked like Superman had finally kicked the bucket at the hands of Doomsday. With his death inspiring Batman and Wonder Woman to seek out other talented individuals to form the Justice League. But we know Kal-El won’t be dead for long as he is a major cast member in Zac Snyder’s Justice League movie (and from that last scene in BvS where the soil is lifted up from the coffin in an inception like manner)