You Can Now Buy Official Marvel Face Masks To Protect Yourself

Marvel Face Masks:

Along with people, the Coronavirus has killed most businesses. But there are some businesses that have profited majorly in this period of a pandemic. People are panic buying groceries for months. Sanitizers are selling more than ever. Toilet Paper has literally turned into gold. And the face mask business is booming like crazy. It’s crazy that humans find ways to make profits out of anything. In the days when Marvel movies aren’t selling and neither are comics and most merchandize, Marvel has still found a way to make money. The MCU has turned Marvel into the biggest pop culture phenomenon and using that, Marvel is now going to sell masks as well.

In these days where the Coronavirus is hovering over our heads, we can be heroes just like the real doctors and the ones we see in films on TV shows by doing a few little things. First and foremost is self-quarantine & isolation. Don’t get out of your houses unless it is very necessary. If you do get out of your house, then wear a mask. And apparently, if you want to feel even more heroic & fashionable wearing a face mask, then you could buy your own cloth face masks featuring Hulk, Black Panther, the Avengers, and more.

Wearing a mask, we surely get to feel how Peter Parker feels. Children’s masks are being donated by Disney all over the US. They are also donating the profits they’ve made from Mask sales to MedShare, an Atlanta-based humanitarian aid organization. What’s great is that they intend to donate up to $1 Million of the profits they make from selling these stylized face masks.

You can preorder Marvel face masks in 3 different sizes (Small, Medium & Large) “in a wide variety of prints and align with the FDA’s latest recommendations on non-surgical, non-industrial grade face masks.”  If you do wish to Assemble as the Avengers did in Endgame, then wear a mask. But obviously, your first priority should be not to Assemble out of your home.