How The Rise of Skywalker Pays a Tribute to Tony Stark in Avengers: Endgame

The Rise of Skywalker Pays Tribute to Tony Stark:

Disney has finally ended the core Star Wars franchise, but it has also given the franchise it’s a new beginning. It is safe to say that the core franchise will continue with its newfound Skywalker, perhaps for either 1 or 3 more movies. Which other Disney movie did this earlier this year? Well, you already know the answer to this question. Avengers: Endgame did the same, and it probably did it better. But still, we’ve got to give credit to JJ Abrams for how he managed to end the franchise with Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.

Spoilers follow.

Talking about Avengers: Endgame, Star Wars Episode IX actually took a lot of inspiration from the movie. Obviously the plots of these two films were totally different from each other, but the final results were quite similar. Avengers: Endgame tied up many loose ends and finally assembled everyone to fight against the biggest villain of the Marvel franchise and his Black Order Army. The Rise of Skywalker, tied up almost all loose ends brought the Resistance together to fight the biggest villain of the franchise and his Final Order Army.

If you think that Disney copied their own movie? Then you’re probably right about it, but the right word to use here is a tribute. Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker being a finale event pays a tribute to another finale event. When all hope was lost and Captain America was willing to fight alone and lose against Thanos, in came Sam Wilson aka “Falcon” saying, “on your left”. This is where the Avenger assembled.

When all hope was lost and General Poe was willing to fight alone and lose against the Final Order of Emperor Palpatine, in came Lando Calrissian flying the Millenium “Falcon” to say, you’re not alone. He & Chewbacca brought people from the entire galaxy to fight against Palpatine and that’s where the Resistance Assmebled! See the similarity? Well, this isn’t it. There’s more!.

When Steve, Tony & Thor seemed to be lost, they went back in time to closure land. Steve got closure from seeing Peggy in the 70s as that led to him going back to live with her after the final battle. Tony went to the 70s and saw his father. Thor went back to 2013 and he found his mother, who gave him the right motivation to fight. Similarly, Ben Solo got closure from his father’s memory, and Rey got the right motivation to fight from the Force Ghost of Luke Skywalker.

And finally, to sum things up during the final battle, Thanos became the all-powerful arrogant villain who had the power of 6 Infinity Stones in his hands. He throws Captain Marvel away. Against him, the last line of defense was the greatest hero of the Avengers, Tony. Thanos says – “I am Inevitable” and snaps. Tony replies – “And I am Iron Man” and snaps back to kill Thanos. Then Tony dies.

Emperor Palpatine becomes the benevolent ruler of Dark Side by taking the life force of Rey & Ben Solo. He throws Ben Solo away. Against him, the last line of defense is the greatest hero of the Resistance, Rey. Palpatine says – “I am all the Sith” and strikes with lightning. Rey replies – “And I am all the Jedi” and projects the lightning back to kill Emperor Palpatine. Then she dies. But this time, Kylo Ren is able to revive her. Hey, it isn’t copying if you do it from your own film. For the last time, it’s a tribute!

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker stars Daisy Ridley, Adam Driver, John Boyega, Oscar Isaac, Lupita Nyong’o, Domhnall Gleeson, Kelly Marie Tran, Joonas Suotamo, and Billie Lourd. Joining the cast of Episode IX are Naomi Ackie and Richard E. Grant. They are joined by veteran Star Wars actors Mark Hamill, Anthony Daniels, and Billy Dee Williams, who will reprise his role as Lando Calrissian”.

Here’s the official synopsis of the film:

“Lucasfilm and director J.J. Abrams join forces once again to take viewers on an epic journey to a galaxy far, far away with Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker, the riveting conclusion of the seminal Skywalker saga, where new legends will be born and the final battle for freedom is yet to come.”